Buy American Requirements

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Buy American Requirements

Buy American Requirements

Main points of the Buy American Requirements

Buy America Requirements of 23 CFR 635.410 applies to all the projects related to construction that are aided and funded by the Federal government. There are different projects that are included in this legally. This includes the emergency repairs that will ensure that the iron or steel products are used and funded by the federal government. Another condition of this act to be applicable is that the construction should take place in the United States only. It must be ensured that all of the process of construction takes place in the United States so that they are able to work in the most efficient and effective manner. The manufacturing process of the material should also be performed in the United States according to the Buy America Requirements (Hobin, 1964).

The municipality must get the information and approval that it is aided by the Federal Government and that the products that are being used in the process of construction are produced in the United States. This will help them in determining that the process that is being undertaken conforms to the requirements of Buy America and that the process can be continued in a similar manner. This does not mean that foreign materials are not allowed in the construction process (Dees, 2003). A certain percentage i.e. no more than 0.1 percent of the total cost of the construction should be of the foreign materials. It is important that the steps that are being taken are done in the best manner.

Explain whether or not you agree with the Buy American Requirements

The Buy American Requirements are appropriate and helps the constructors living in the country to work in a manner where they do not break the law and whatever work they do is done ...
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