Business Writing

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Academic and Personal Development

Academic and Personal Development


Slater (n.d.) describes communication as a process of transmitting a message, or information, from a sender to a receiver through different means of communication. In addition, the notion of communication is not a new one and dates back to as old as the early ages when first humans use to communicate with one another through noise and sign language. In fast paced life of today, communication is no more limited to verbal means alone and with advent of modern technological tools and gadgets, it has now become possible for people to connect and interact with one another over large distances, easily.

This paper will discuss some aspects of communication along with a discussion on the two communication examples provided. These examples include of one letter, which is written by Joseph Sarasander to apply for opening a business account for his real estate business with Bringall Bank. The second example includes an email by Kristie to one of her clients Tony to inform him about a delay in delivery of the orders that he had placed with her company.


As mentioned in the preceding section, communication is today's modern era has become a necessary tool for the existence of mankind to interact and share their ideas and emotions. However, certain barriers to effective communication can greatly deteriorate the intention behind the message and its importance between both the sender and receiver. These barriers of communication as identified by Erven (2002) are stated as follows:

Muddled Messages: effective communication begins and ends with a clear message. In case of failure to send a clear message renders the receiver to doubt about the intention of the sender leading to confusion and ambiguity.

Stereotyping: subscribing preconceived notions and impressions to certain individual's leads to false expectations of the message being sent by that individual.

Using The Wrong Mode Of Communication: certain messages are best delivered if appropriate method of communication is used by the sender. For example, expression of once admiration is best delivered and received through verbal communication as oppose to a written appreciation.

Language: a message sent in an ambiguous language or in case of non-verbal communication the message is drafted poorly would greatly have an influence on the impact that message will have upon the receiver.

Poor Listening Skills: it is popularly said that an effective communicator has to be an effective listener. Hence, if a individual who is a poor listener is also most likely to be a poor communicator as well, which greatly hampers their ability to send out clear and effective messages.

Physical Distractions: these include bodily actions and gestures such as feigning boredom, rolling of eyes, restlessness to name a few.

With respect to linear medium of communication such as written messages in form of letters or emails, Byron (2008) is of the opinion that due to the lack of emotion through these medium of communication, makes it even hard for the sender to communicate their message effectively through ...
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