Business To Business

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Business to Business

Business to Business

Question 1

For the TCL, the marketing is the set of techniques that try to market the product or service to maximize profits or sale of a product. To achieve the main purpose of marketing, four P's plays a vital role. Its primary function is to satisfy the customer by which it intends to design the product, sets the correct pricing, choose distribution channels and adopts appropriate communication techniques. The marketing mix is a tool that is used by the marketers to implement marketing strategies and achieve their objectives. The main goal of the Marketing Mix of the TCL should be to achieve steady growth, and profitability. In the fulfilment, of this goal marketing plan plays a crucial role. It is that concept that leads to the identification of the elements of growth from new clients and new markets, and identifies the nature of the products and services required by these customers, and explains the necessary actions required to win business deals, and shows the competitive advantage enjoyed by the company and prevents the opportunities and risks in the market (Martin 2010, pp. 1).

Consumer expectations and market shares of TCL vary by country. Therefore, the communication has to be differentiated. The art of buzz marketing or viral marketing is the noise surrounding the release of a product finely tuned to enhance its reputation, is especially difficult. If successful, the Internet offers a cheap promotional campaign immediately, international and positive. To be effective the buzz, TCL first had to impose his staff and employees complete silence before the announcement. TCL customer, are a wide range of business organizations. It may be small traders in the relatively large entertainment companies. Market segmentation of the TCL should be based on sector, firm size, geographic area and demand possible. David and Angela are resisting the company has only a limited number of resources and at this stage. Therefore, the company must include innovative marketing strategies in its operations to seek to serve large multinational corporations and internationalization. The priority must be to focus on customer retention, while at the same time, trying to win new business in order to remain competitive during the economic crisis.

Similarly, the strategic management of the TCL in terms of managing the marketing mix must relies on human potential as the basis directing production activities to customers, requesting quick responds, conducting timely changes in the organization, meeting the challenges of the environment and allowing achievement of competitive advantage (Kamp 2006, pp. 66).

The company must decide to use more effective tools to address their consumers since price sensitivity in U.K is high and the image among the consumers had been held responsible for flat sales of the marketing and advertising sector at one time. The company needs to analyze this issue using effective strategies so that the right message is conveyed to the end-consumer. The positioning statement of the TCL marketing and advertising services brand should be more appealing and tactful so as to ...
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