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SWOT Analysis


Executive Summary3











Business Study Skills

Executive Summary

This study is a SWOT Analysis on leading company of the United Kingdom, named Dixons. Dixons is the leading retail company across the UK that provides electrical and electronic products. It is a specialist electronic retailer. SWOT Analysis helps in understanding the strengths and weaknesses along with the opportunities and threats to a company. This report is written by . It is intended for [Name of the teacher]. Its purpose is to work on the SWOT analysis on the various key aspects of the company and analyze its findings. This study is a secondary research on the topic. On the basis of those findings, few recommendations are made at the end of this study. The implementation of these recommendations can bring abour positive changes in the company. This report is required to be submitted on .


Dixons is an electronics company based in the United Kingdom. It was formerly known as DSG International plc. It is the market leader in UK`s electrical and electronic market. It offers multichannel retailing. It sells personal computers, consumer electronics, photographic equipment, domestic appliances, communication products, and other relevant services. The business of the organization has developed rapidly through the development and acquisition of new businesses. However, Dixon like other companies, cannot afford to be content (Anonymous, 2008). It requires to maintain its competitive perimeter edge by capitalizing on present trends and establishing an infrastructure that is cross brand which can afford to accommodate novel services in order to meet the expectations of the customer. Dixon Group aims to offer unrivalled value to its users via the quality and range of its brands, high service standards and competitive prices.


The method chosen to analyze various aspects of Dixons Retail is the analysis called SWOT Analysis. SWOT Analysis has been done in recent years on various key elements of Dixons Company by various researchers ( The detailed reports are available on the internet regarding the analysis. The data presented in our study is collected from various places on the internet. The data is extracted from various websites and journals available on the internet. This research is a secondary research as its findings have already been published in the field. The sources from which the results have been extracted are authoritative sources whose results are genuine and accurate. Unreliable sources have not been used for the purpose of this study.

The method selected to study on various aspects of the company is the SWOT analysis. SWOT Analysis is a planning tool that is quite useful for organizations. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. It sets out to emphasize on these aspects of a business at a defined instant. Execution of SWOT analysis needs exploration and research of a company`s potential future and current position. It is utilized by organizations to match a company`s weaknesses and strengths with the external forces in the environment of business.


This comprehensive SWOT analysis offers a strategic analysis that is in-depth of ...
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