Business Strategy

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Business Strategy

Business Strategy


Kellogg stands for doing right things at the right time for environment and society for a successful business for consumers, customers, employees, other direct and indirect stakeholders. This manifesto of Kellogg, one of the most established food manufacturing companies, works on the former statement to serve array of convenience foods and cereal offerings. This assignment works subjectively under the contextual framework of case study to analyze various learning outcomes for understanding the business philosophy of any business enterprise. Each section of learning outcomes illustrates broad discussion subjective to the examples and business scenarios from the case study.

LO1 Understanding the process of strategic planning

Strategic contexts and terminology

The mission statement of Kellogg drives to accelerate sustainable growth through the empowered people and brands. This strategic development serves the needs of customers, consumers, and communities. The vision and mission of Kellogg are inseparable. The vision of Kellogg includes a wide spectrum of being the food company of choice. This compelling vision is formulated to rejoice the world through brands and foods which is based on this legacy. The corporate goals of this company are to endorse health and to look ahead other food companies for product promotion in fiber with them. The goals and objectives of Kellogg include working in diverse key areas to outweigh employee engagement, workplace diversity and safety, nutrition, and a strong fabric of philanthropy. Some of these key areas take account of sustainable agriculture, globally ceasing deforestation, hunger reduction, nutrition education, and creation of ethical cloud in the corporation. This global food company focuses to maintain an alignment for core competencies as a part of strategic corporate philanthropy.

Issues for strategic planning

Greater business planning and fertile organizational skills define set goals to motivate every element of organization for its attainment under pressure. Kellogg has placed a multidimensional planning approach to cater all its domains; Guideline Daily Amounts, collaboration with Amateur Swimming Association, National Breakfast Awards, and the Breakfast Movers essential guide. Effective communication is the core components to run these entire planned program with full capacity. The key issues in the business scenarios involves alarming rates of obesity and diabetes, downturn effect of economy, cost-conscious consumers, and higher diabetic risk factors for European immigrants.

Planning Techniques

Kellogg is using operational and tacticallinear version of planning system as a part of multi-period linear program. This is a systematic operational planning system under global optimization and coordination techniques. The use of Aggregate Capacity Planning is the improvement model for Kellogg Planning System that may aid its business operations to learn about the linear programming. Line scheduling, production, packaging operations, distribution decisions, and proper reallocation of raw materials for long lead times are subject matters for the successful planning techniques as a Business Analyst of this food company.

M1 Strategies for appropriate solutions

The Rehabilitation of Kellogg Grain Storage Silos project is a grain storage silos at the stretch of Queretaro City in Mexico. The selection of this project for brief analysis is the reflection of various planning models discussed in the ...
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