Business Strategy

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Business Strategy

Table of Contents


Importance of the stakeholders2


Political landscape3

Economic landscape4

Social landscape4

Technological landscape5

Legal landscape5

Environmental landscape5

Prospects for ABCD5

SWOT Analysis6





Strategic Alliance8

Two Types of Strategic Alliances8

Ansoff's Matrix9

Market Penetration10

Market Development10

Product Development10


Proposed Strategy for ABCD11

Team Formation12

Resources Needed for Implementation13

Implementation of Strategy13

Business Strategy


Stakeholder is an individual or group of people who are interested in your project and will be affected positively or negatively by it. In fact, the "interested" is not only one who has an interest in the project to succeed, but also includes all those people or groups who are not the project should therefore be negatively affected by it (Carroll 2006, 48-53).

In recent years, the concept of stakeholders (stakeholders) is, without doubt, one of the most important contributions to the field of business ethics. This concept expresses a moral imperative by which managers will need to consider the interests of all stakeholders. It is most generally accepted phenomenon that considers stakeholders employees, customers, suppliers and the community, as well as shareholders and other investors to be the most important aspects of any given business.

Importance of the stakeholders

The importance of the stakeholders is determined as the degree to which the problems of the stakeholders, their requirements and needs and their interests are impressed by the desired results or the project operations. If the stakeholders who are considered important are not provided adequate support, the projected cannot be anticipated to be successful. Where the stakeholders are important as well as influential, the primary stakeholders ought to be fully involved with the steering of the project as well as the governance of it in order to achieve success (Carroll 2006, 48-53). In case when the stakeholder is either important or influential, such stakeholders are considered to be falling in the secondary category and they are required to be managed actively throughout the project.

Stakeholder with high power and low level of interest need to be satisfied as per their needs and minimal efforts should be made with low power and low interest stakeholders. On the contrary, stakeholders with high level of interest and low power should be timely informed about the ins and outs of the company. Key players are important considerations for the company since they have high interest as well as they exercise high power. They can control the decision in the board and thus, they need to be adhered to.

Stakeholder Grid


Political landscape

The current government, the Indian National Congress-led United Progressive Alliance, was expected to set the pace of reforms, as it is in its second term; however, this development is yet to take its assumed form. In 2010, India's corruption issues came to the fore due to irregularities concerning the Commonwealth Games and the 2G spectrum awards, which led to high level investigations and arrests (Arvind 2008, 67-90). These allegations and scams have tarnished the image of the government, and have led to nationwide protests.

Economic landscape

India is one of the countries which have the most rapid economic growth in the world. From 1990s, India went through a quick and fast ...
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