Business Strategy

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Business Strategy

Table of Contents

Assignment #1: Advices for the Launching2


Language barriers3

Legal barriers3

Access to Human Resources5

Government Barriers5

Venturing to India- the Prospects & Barriers6

Assignment # 28

Business Strategy for ABC before Getting into Indian Education Market8

Assignment # 39

Business Strategy for Advanced Business College9

Executive Summary9

Mission Statement10

The Indian Education Market10

Financial Strategy12

Marketing Strategy12


Evaluation and Implementation of Business Strategy

Assignment #1: Advices for the Launching


Two weeks earlier, I was contacted by Advance Business College, as the administration of college has decided to expand its business in the Indian land. Advance Business College (ABC) is a renowned college of United Kingdom, well known for its highly qualified and experienced faculty members and a mission for providing quality education. ABC is privately owned and located in central London. In the board of Directors meeting, it was decided by the management to initiate a college in India. The courses of Travel and tourism, health and social care and courses of business studies are intended to offer initially with a possible increase in commensurate with the growth as soon as possible.

The management understands the factors that may affect the college while operating abroad and therefore the higher authorities seek advice from me, for the successful operation of business.

International expansion has been identified by many entrepreneurs as a vital element of their growth strategy on the whole.

The following factors are very necessary before embarking on an expansion program internationally:

Language barriers

Rendering the core operational materials and marketing plan into the local language may look like straightforward enough in the beginning. Marketing may present, however, unanticipated troublesome if the concept does not translate well itself. It should be make sure that the slogan and concept of the product has something meaningful in it and it can receive an acceptance from the targeted market and culture.

Hindi is the official language of India, and English is used as a second language in India, therefore, there is possibly no likelihood of any language barrier, while setting up of new college in India.

Legal barriers

Legislations in a country may not be favourable to the establishment of certain types of businesses. Agency or liability laws, tax laws, customs laws, and corporate organization may all bear out to be important uncertain blocks. Laws or technology transfer and laws for foreign investment may compel a certain business relationship that was originally intended as a master franchise or license to be fundamentally a joint venture.

Foreign Educational Institutions Bill that is set to be established this year in India has presented a welcome boost to the mushrooming landscape of educational field of India. According to legal experts, the act has produced an opening for UK based education providers to spread out and expand new or joint educational connections in India, estimating 35,000 colleges and 800 universities, by the year 2020, required to supply demand.

For UK-based education providers, this bill provides a tremendous opportunity by offering the capability for setting up joint ventures or builds their own campuses, in parallel, within thriving educational establishment of ...
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