Business Research

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Business Research Analysis

Part 12

Critical Evaluation2

Types of Questions2

Close Ended3

Open Ended3

Supporting Instructions4

Part 27

Income Level8

Customer origin8

Level of Difficulty8


Accommodation and Satisfaction Rating8

Customer type9


Cost of Tour9


Results and Analysis10

Descriptive Summary10

Hypothesis Test10

Chi-Square Test11


Graphical Representation12


Respondents Profile13

Satisfaction relating to tour variables15

Hypothesis Testing17

Tour costs and predicting satisfaction rating17

Regression Model18

Managerial Summary19


Appendix A - Quotes from interviews and focus groups21

Appendix B - Coding Structure24

Appendix C - Appropriate tables and illustrations26

Appendix D - Appropriate Graphs and illustrations31



Business Research Analysis

Part 1

Critical Evaluation

The structure of the given questionnaire is assorted because various types of question such as multiple choices close ended, dichotomous and open ended questions. This will define the degree of the questionnaires and it will also provide extensive knowledge to the researchers. The questionnaire structure has created by using the statistical research methodologies that is qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for the effortlessness of researchers. It can also provide prosperous knowledge for the researchers and they can develop their hiking procedures by overcome the lacking strategies and the changes which has decline their company's reputation. The questionnaires structures have comfortable for any research methodology because through this they can accomplish their task easily. It can also provide beneficial information to the investigators which can affluent for them to use it according to the research.

Types of Questions

There are different types of questionnaire have used in this survey for the possibility of the selected population. The targeted respondents are those peoples which mostly used the facility of hiking from Esk Valley Travel (EVT). These peoples have more aware about the extensive knowledge and services, further they also knew about the accessories which they provided to their customers. There are two types of questions have mentioned in the questionnaires such as

Close ended

Open ended

Close Ended

Close ended are short and do not consume more time of the respondents. These types of questions are easy for the respondents and they can easily choose the options. The respondents can choose proper option which has suitable and convenient for their perception and the researchers for acquiring accurate results. The close ended is time saving and respondents can pick best option which will affluent for the investigators to use and interpret it easily.

Open Ended

These questions are time consuming and respondents have to think before giving a proper answer. The positive point of this question is that, the respondent are not bound with the given options and they can easily share own discernment by providing their answers. Respondents can freely mention their observation about the given questions. This type of question always the energizer activity for the respondents in which they can share what they want. Sometimes, it must be intolerable, because the questions are fizzy and not understand by the respondents.

The different types of questions will helpful for the researcher and respondents. These types of questions are different types such as dichotomous in which two options are provided for the customers and the probability of every option is 50%. Dichotomous responses are affluent for the respondent because they do not have to consume more time ...
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