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Business Research

Business Research


Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making is a paper published in a renowned Journal of Business Ethics. This paper studied the impact of Ethical Intention on Individual ethics as well as ethics of an Organization. Ethics are a branch of philosophy, which involves the systematizing, recommendation, and defending of the concept of right and wrong behavior. It also deals with the values that relate to the conduct of humans, concerning the right and wrong of situations and specific actions and the motives behind those actions and the consequence of such behavior.

An individual's intention for engagement in behavior that is ethical may be of use as a variable to depend as it is related to behavior and can be used to express values along with the influence on an individual by a society's variables as well organizations. Focusing on Ethical Intention concerning decision-making keeping in mind particularly international businesses as in context with the overseas provides a lot of altitude when the decisions are in an ethical manner.

According to results, Individual Ethics and Organizational Ethics both influence Ethical Intention greatly and Ethical congruence considered a good influence. Research carried out has shown that Organization ethics has much more of an influence on those who are younger in age rather than those managers who are old. The results have stirred the government and pushed them to create a mechanism to govern enhancement of ethical congruence in order to increase the chances of more managers, even older making choices that are ethically correct during the process of decision-making.

The Approach and Rationale and its Suitability

The system by which the organizations are controlled and lead in order to insure that effective decision making is taking place and decisions made by managers are sound, after considering the responsibility and regulations of those who are involved in the business such as the stake holders (Cadbury, 1992). Along with ensuring they are in accordance with the standards of the firm and ethical norms, is Corporate Governance. One of the most significant aspects of Corporate Governance identified as ensuring that an ethical climate of an organization, which is positive, created and maintained. This reduces and lowers the costs that are attached with methods that are intruding and much less effective ways of maintaining social control formally, the economic effect of a reputation that have been damaged and if transgressions in regards with ethics have been committed the reduction in ethical value if they are identified and brought to light (Monks, 2002).

If a manager fails to maintain proper culture based on ethics in an organization and does not provide the employee with models of behavioral ethics that can cost the company its reputation as well as affect the corporation's economy. When the members of an organization are motivated to behave in an ethical manner, which is the time when ethical culture is most effective. As governance in a corporation is most effective when there is cooperation and connection maintained between ...
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