Business Report

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Business Report

Business Report


The report is about presenting a detailed report to the Managng director of our business in order to provide all the necessary information needed before the VIP VISIT to the building site in the South East in which i will elaborate on how to devise a strategy on carrying out all the operations on that day. As the project manager i am assigned with the task of developing a strategy and provide with the target tasks list. I will start analyzing the events details such as the available resources like location, required construction material, nearest suppliers for that material, time that will be required to complete the project, the cost of the project, tentative time schedule and limitations because of buildings and college nearby. Based on all the study a feasibility report will be generated to represent the benefits of starting this project, the strengths, the weaknesses, the benefits, the drawbacks and the return on investment. The management will then go through this report to finalize the devised plan and will give a go ahead to impliment the strategy for smooth operations.


Before the visit to the site, it must be ensured that all the area of the site is cleared of all the hazards and is perfectly safe for the VVIP's visit. Although, there are many advantages of using an external consultant, there are some disadvantages as well. One cannot get the loyalty, commitment and devotion from an external PM as the one directly employed. The strategies and methods of working of an external PM may conflict with the strategies of the company. The external PM will need sometime to synchronize with the norms of the company causing an initial stall in the progress of the project. However, an external PM usually has years of professional experience in their relevant fields. Whereas, a permenantly employed PM doesn't have that experience. An external PM utilizes much less internal resources that a directly employed PM which results in saving on budget. Moreover, an external PM is contracted to work with the company as long as the project is not completed, whereas, a directly employed PM works with the company at all times whether, there is any requirement of his services or not.

Advantages of Using Project Management

The tools, skills, abilities and techniques employed by the project managers during this project will enhance the efficiency of project work in every aspect. Following are some adavantages.

Project management carefully plans and considers each and every factor that might effect the project work in the future. This will allow the project to go through a predifned smooth path to the completion.

Professional project managers having vast work experience will be able to complete projects within the specified time, in limited budget and with high quality.

Once the client will use project management, he/she will be able to employ the same system for future projects or further expansion of the college.

Improving Quality and Standards through Project Management

As it has been discussed earlier that in project management, the ...
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