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Solutions and Propositions for Marks & Spencer's Problems & Operations

1.Terms of Reference2



3.1SWOT Analysis2

Marks and Spencer's2


Increased Food Offerings3

Extremely Strong Position in the Clothing Industry3

Geographical Expansion and International Brand Value3


Old Systems and Stores are a Competitive Disadvantage4

Decreased Sales due to Inadequate or Insufficient Stocks4


Boom in the Internet Marketing4

Focus in Chinese and Indian Markets5


Shoplifting Threats5

Increasing Cost of Labour in United Kingdom5

3.2Socio-Political Problems with reference to Marks & Spencer's6

Employee Retirement at the age of 70 years6

3.3Marks & Spencer's Going Green & Being Responsible Campaigns6



Solutions and Propositions for Marks & Spencer's Problems & Operations

Terms of Reference

This report is written by for the course of . Moreover, this report is intended to highlight socio-political issues in the operations and products of Marks and Spencer's through the help of Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat Analysis and providing an in depth discussion regarding the relevant issues.


Secondary data has been collected and evaluated for the conduction for this research. Moreover, this data has been collected from reputable journals and scholarly libraries for the collection of most reliable and valid data.


The world has changed a lot from the way it used to be a few decades ago. The method of operations of different companies has changed along with their products. Similarly, in the market of United Kingdom, a famous company known by the brand name of Marks and Spencer's has faced quite some issues relative to socio political concerns.

In order to better understand about the problems faced by Marks and Spencer's and the probable solutions for those problems; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.

3.1SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis is seen as one of the most important tools for any marketer to better understand about any company. A SWOT Analysis helps the marketer in analyzing the internal and external factors relevant to the company in depth and detail.

Marks and Spencer's

In the market of United Kingdom, Marks and Spencer's is a renowned name when it comes to retail business of homeware, foods and clothing. The food products of the company have expanded multiplicatively in the recent years. With reference to the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Marks & Spencer's, the following are of significant importance:


Marks & Spencer's is a company with multiple strengths, out of which the following are worth noticing:

Increased Food Offerings

Food Offerings of Marks & Spencer's have increased extensively in the recent times. In 2011 only, the company got itself highlighted as the top retailer of food in the markets of United Kingdom. Although the company had to launch a total of 1800 new food products in that year alone, but their brand value got boosted extensively because of this action.

Extremely Strong Position in the Clothing Industry

Marks & Spencer's is known throughout the United Kingdom because of their clothing products. The company is known majorly because of the quality of the clothing sold by them. Moreover, this strong position of the company helps them in overcoming even the deepest of economic downturns in the ...
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