Business Report

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Business Report

Business Report


One cannot conceive the organization as an entity isolated from the environment in which it operates. The company must continuously monitor its environment because, firstly, it fits into this environment and, secondly, it acts on that environment. The company can be influenced by its environment in a positive way (environmental opportunities) or a negative (environmental). The company should monitor the constantly changing markets, changing competition and technology. It is also about identifying the risks of "breaks" technology (occurrence of major innovations) or structural (new lobbies, new regulations, growing influence of consumer organizations, etc).

Business plan

The Business Plan is a document that contains detailed plans for the launch or development of existing business. This document is used to describe the business objectives and strategies, as well as providing financial planning and marketing plans. The main objective of developing a business plan is planning about the economic activities of the company for the nearest and remote periods in accordance with market needs and the ability to obtain necessary resources. Other objectives of the business plan may be different, for example: to understand the degree of reality to achieve the intended results, the alleged justification for the company and evaluate the results over time, to clarify the course of action to manage the enterprise, business plan can be used as a means of obtaining the necessary investments, it informs investors about the status of the entrepreneur proves the desirability of a form of management, business plan is a kind of document that insures the success of the proposed business. The company's management and its investors have a clear idea about the stages of execution of tasks in the enterprise and the development of relations with the enterprise market. One of the provisions for which prepared a business plan is to attract investors in the venture, but apart from that he is still a lot of useful properties that can be applied to the enterprise (Child, 2005).

Business planning processes of Genesis helps to identify and develop strategic directions in support of the company's mission, vision and transformation strategy into action through business plans short-term and long-term. It also (in consultation with stakeholders) develops the target levels of performance of the company and that is a regular review of the functioning of the company compared to them, with the possibility of annual bonuses for outstanding performance.

Presence in international markets

Genesis is one of the most successful organizations that has not only grown in its domestic markets but has grown globally. We can say that, international strategy is at the heart of their competitive focus. Genesis has a global network of wellness champions in all the business units in every country, in which they operate. Genesis global strategy is associated with foreign direct investment. The main objective of Genesis is to balance sales between low risk and developed countries and high risk growth markets. Genesis has successfully managed to operate globally and satisfy the local needs of customers in which they ...
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