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HR Challenges Case Study Report

Executive Summary

This paper highlights the case study of Banksia Health Service, which is a large philanthropic hospital. The case presented numerous issues with the hospital including the divorce between the top and the lower management and inequitable alignment with the organization's mission and vision statements with the organizations actual operations along with ambiguous future objectives and goals. This was further coupled with the fact that the hospital had no HR department and the payroll officer played the role of HR personnel along with senior staff member and the CEO. This is reflective of bad organizations. Many more issues and challenges were identified, of which five main issues were discussed in detail followed by a detailed discussion about how Banksia can implement and communicate a change plan in its organization, along with the job analysis of an HR manager for Banksia hospital.

Table of Contents



Issues discussed2

No HR Department2

Lack of KSA's5

Lack of trust in the lower management6


Communication Breakdown8

Communicating Change Plan in the Organization9

HR Manager Job Analysis10




HR Challenges Case Study Report


This business report presents and discusses the many issues identified in the case study itself related HR management and strategies. Of these many issues, five have been chosen to present an in depth analysis in view of academic perspective and critical assessment of how these issues can be improved in relation to our case organization. Furthermore, the discussion then encompasses in detailing a comprehensive communication strategy that can be adopted by the organization to eliminate any form of miscommunication or any misplaced grievances being held by its lower level medical staff. The last component of our discussion will include the devising a comprehensive job analysis of an HR manager, of whom' our case organization, Banksia Hospital is in dire need of. After discussion general recommendations are provided that will include how overall Banksia can further improve its outreach and operations, compiled as analysis from the preceding discussion section, followed by a conclusion.


Beginning our discussion, the main identified HR challenges or shortcomings being experienced by Banksia Health Services includes fore mostly, the absence of an HR department in the organization. In its total absence both, the staff and the senior management are in state of chaos, because there are no proper HR personnel who will cater to the employee's needs and compensation. Moreover, a payroll officer, some senior staff and even the CEO of the hospital himself look after and cater to the HR needs of the organization, whose scale is just too massive to be efficiently be managed by such small number of people. In addition, the staff and the senior management lacked the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their duties effectively, because of which the organization was internally being gnawed due to mismanagement.

This further highlights another key issue, which is identified in the case that is that the senior management was unfamiliar with proper HR function, for example, the CEO, because of his brief experience with change management handled all the union negotiation issues and other ...
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