Business Psychology

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Business Psychology

Business Psychology


A "Learning Organization" is one in which people at all levels, individually and collectively, continually increasing at his or her highest capacity to produce results he or she really cares about. The level of performance in a learning organization is continuous in today's world, to make improvements. Organization such as a traditional organization, do not have much of a clear path for success or even a clear path to follow strategically. Learning to do in learning organization can be rewarding and personally satisfying. The possibility of a win-win, makes it apart of the attraction. Individuals stay with learning organizations today because of a possible of achievement of extraordinary performance, together with satisfaction and fulfillment for the individuals involved. Learning Organization is an ideal, a vision. Various organizations or parts of organizations achieves in varying degree. ”Contemplate to see that awakened people, while not being enslaved by the work of serving living beings, never abandon his or her work of serving living beings.”

Individuals that seek work in a learning organization are “fully awakened” people. The individual engages in this or her work, with need to reach his or her potential. By sharing the vision of a worthy goal with team colleagues, The individual have mental models to guide him or her in the pursuit of personal mastery (James 2003 18-25), and he or she personal goals are in alignment with the mission of the learning organization. Working in a learning organization may be far from being a slave to an unsatisfying job; rather, seeing one's work as part of a whole, a system where interrelationships processes, dependent on each other. Awakened workers take risks in order to learn.


The nature of planning as elaborated in the first part of the paper fits in with intellect and character. Its cognitive and neuropsychological bases provide the makeup for planfulness to be a relatively stable character of a person which nevertheless is determined by the situation. As the experiment on hypotheses-testing behavior demonstrated, planfulness emerges in response to certain strategies and situations. We showed that individuals with adequate intelligence can have poor self-concept and can vary widely in problem-solving competence. Lifelong commitment to high quality work can result when teams work together to capitalize on the synergy of the continuous group learning for optimal performance. Individuals in learning organizations are not slaves to living beings. The individual can serve others in effective ways because he or she been well-prepared for change and working with others. Learning organizations involves individual learning, and those who make the shift from traditional organization thinking to learning organizations develop the ability to think critically and reatively. According to French and Bell the values held by organization development (OD) include “wanting to create change, to positively impact people and organizations, enhance the effectiveness and profitability of organizations, to learn and grow, and exercise power and influence.” (HARTER 2001 300-312) Although values do shift over time, the values held by OD mesh wellin the individual characteristics of learning organizations ...
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