Business Process Management

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Business Process Management

Business Process Management

BPM as part of Pete's Dynatrix

BPM is important for the Pete's Dynatrix to move in the right direction to achieve its strategic objectives. The business strategy sets the medium-term objectives that an organization wants to achieve, such as reducing costs or increasing market share in a percentage. If people are performing duplicate tasks, rework, or there are duplicate roles, or poor customer service and others. Then the processes are not aligned to these objectives. From a strategic standpoint, the processes are expensive, slow and reduce the competitiveness of the company. From the standpoint of tactical and operational, it is unclear why these inefficiencies exist because many times the processes are not known (Smith, 2002).

BPM and its benefits

BPM aims at improving corporate performance (efficiency and effectiveness) of the Organization through the management of business processes, to be design, model, organize, document and optimize continuously. A process can be seen as a set of interrelated resources and activities that transform inputs into output elements. Resources may include personnel, finance, facilities, equipment, techniques and methods. Through modeling of business processes within an organization can achieve a better understanding of the operation of the company and many times this presents an opportunity to improve processes and thereby improve performance. The structuring of processes reduces errors, ensuring that processes are always behave the same way, reducing the margin for error and providing elements to display the status of the same during each stage. The process management ensures that they run efficiently, meeting quality standards previously established, and helping to obtain information that can then be used to improve them. It is through information obtained from the daily execution of processes, which can identify potential inefficiencies or flaws in them, and act on them to optimize them (Leymann, 2000).

IT support

To support this strategy is necessary to have a set of tools that provide the support necessary to meet the BPM lifecycle. This set of tools is called Business Process Management System (BPMS), and with them build BPM applications. Usually follow a common notation, called Business Process Management Notation (BPMN).

Reasons for process management

There are several reasons that drive the management of processes within an organization, among which are:

Extension of the institutional program quality

Compliance with existing laws

Create new and better processes (continuous improvement)

Understand what you are doing well or evil through the understanding of the processes

Document processes for outsourcing and the definition of Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Automation and process organization

Create and maintain the value chain (Alonso, 2004).

Problem Analysis

The major problems in Pete's Dynatrix are lack of marketing communication and use of centralized computer system and process. One of the main problems in assessing the effectiveness of communication is the lack of generalized indicators. Typically, rates are determined in each case depending on the person who puts the problem (shareholders, top management, contracting, etc.) and the type of communication. The result is a huge number of local performance indicators. Therefore, there is a problem making some universal indicators effectiveness of communications that would help build ...
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