Business Process And Process Management

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Business process and process management

Business process and process management


Business Process and process management has been viewed as the integral part of organizational development process primarily because is enable the organization to achieve tremendous growth and goals. in-spite of its importance business professional have failed to formulate a standard policy of implementing this tool across the business network as it can be adjusted according to the needs and plans of every organization.


Over the years, various scholars (Leymann et al, 2002) have linked the tool of business process management with numerous terms such as (business process re-engineering, business process change and others). Since the era of globalization scholars major emphasizes is to understand organization business operations, its process, working environment, structure, policies, and others. As according to (Ko et al, 2009) most of scholars are of the view that in prevailing tough economic condition effective management of its operations, financial resources, and other elements is becoming a major challenge that can either enhance of destroy the image of the organization.

Implementation of this process has been claimed as the toughest challenge ever faced by organizations of the globe particularly since the incorporation (KIS) knowledge of information system and (IT) information technology as an integral element of this process mainly because they direct organization in forming innovative business management process management system, which would assess them in enhancing the overall performance.

Meanwhile, various multinational organizations are using different technological software that enables them to incorporate service-oriented approach in the network of business process management (Leymann et al, 2002). Since its incorporation in this highly competitive business world the BPM, process has gone through numerous transformation, particular after the inauguration of business process management- The third wave by Smith and Fingar in year 2003.In addition to this, among other multinational organization, software firms have been ...
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