Business Policy And Strategy

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Business policy and Strategy


In this report, the writer highlighted the strategic changes in Toyota. The main theme of the report is to give readers an overview regarding the working environment of Toyota and the employees' perspective in accordance to the strategic changes. The writer talked about the Toyota Way model and the Toyota Production System that both these models considered to be the world's most sophisticated model. Similarly, the writer highlighted the importance of employees in Toyota while focusing on the core competencies and value chain model of Toyota. At last, the writer concluded the report by focusing on the future of Toyota within 3-5 years.

The Strategic Change of Toyota Motor Corporation

Strategic Management

Over time, most management systems have been modified to facilitate the development of organizational systems are so complex, and that in turn are increasingly adopted much more frequently.

In the specific case, of strategic management is very important that systems carried out with absolute efficiency and it depends entirely on the accuracy with which the key success factors of the company identified. Strategic management is the charged with leading the company to a desired future, which means that it should directly influence the achievement of the objectives set, and this will address the strategic management should have all the information necessary for appropriate decisions can be taken precisely the attitude and stance that assumes that strategic management in any situation.

We should note that the term management implies a continuous induction of the results, which based on the dependency relationships that often exist between the different factors of success of the organization. When a company or organization travels blindly into the future must always have a plan that is very well designed, which means you must perform a preliminary analysis of all situations in which the company can get to find and is essential that any company has all the tools needed to translate their strategy with concrete. That is why in many cases, companies argue that balanced scorecards represent a system of strategic management in a company, and not just be limited to being an instrument of control. The strategic management specializes in promoting the development of the elements of cause and effect of the company.

The proposed strategy ensures that all the factors that related are able to coordinate as a function of all movements occurring in the business environment in this way be able to obtain and maintain favourable results. It is important to note that these relationships that occur between the success factors manifested in the perspectives that include strategic management situations represent positive and negative, which normally goes through every company at some point in their way.

It is important to keep in mind that strategic management in an enterprise is the key so that it can achieve a level of success in the competitive environment, which leads us to conclude that it is a fundamental tool in the management and administration business. Each strategy submitted must be approved by the executives concerned, and once it launched it is important to achieve the objectives that it ...
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