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Business Planning


Ski Boot Walking Aids are the attachable pads which can be used for the purpose of increasing the comfort of the ski boots. Skiers have to walk long distance in the ski resort, and this troubles their feet. They require comfortable boots which can help them in skiing and walking easily around. Ski Boot Walking Aids is especially designed for the purpose of providing comfort to the skiers. These aids are attached on the boots, which will help skiers in walking and skiing easily for long hours (Hellman and Lind, 2012, pp. 7-13).

Rigid polyether shell is used to construct ski boots, which helps in maximizing the performance of skiing. The rigid shell results in creating difficulty for the user to wear and remove the boots. The shell also decreases the level of flexibility of the boots, but once the boots are worn it can increase the level of comfort for the users. The Aids can be easily attached to the sole of the skiing boots when the user is walking. While skiing, these aids can be removed and stored at the back of the boots (Ehmke, 2008, pp. 1-3).

The Ski Boot Walking Aids were especially designed for the purpose of helping the skiers in walking easily in their skiing boots, without removing them. The need of the product was realized when the skiers were having issues in walking for long distances in their skiing boots. In the hotel, people had to walk for long miles to get to their rooms and reception and other places. The walking aids helped in facilitating the skiers in walking, and this can be used easily by all the skiers (Ehmke, 2008, pp. 1-3).

The Ski Boot Walking Aids are prepared using good material products which can make the product durable and reliable. It is designed for longer period of time using enhanced technology. The product is helpful for the skiers and can be easily purchased from sports shop around the corner. It can be easily fit in to the skiing boots and stored at the back of boots when not in use.

Key Elements

The key element of the project is to focus on the objective of the products and its commercialization. The strengths and weaknesses of the product will be analyzed, to make sure that the business plan will be successful or not. The project will also focus on the financial aspects, including the profit and loss of the product. The industry will be analyzed on the basis of threats and opportunities for the product. When a new product is launched in to the market, it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons as well as the industry to make sure that whether the product will be successful or not. This project and business plan will focus on all these aspects and analyze the market with respect to the selected product. The project also emphasizes on strategic and critical thinking, which will help in thinking ...
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