Business Planning

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Business Planning

Business Plan-Golf Club


Planning within an organization has direct impact on the productivity and accomplishment of the goals. This planning is very important when starting a new business in order to mitigate risks that are associated with the start-up of the new business. A clear route is defined in terms of goals for initial years and the strategies to increase the productivity for next five years. This paper will assist in understanding the practical business planning and its importance within the commercial environment of your industry and the industry which has been chosen is Golf Course Industry.


Business Plan

The business plan is a short, accurate, accessible and understandable description of the proposed business, the most important tool when considering the large number of different situations, allowing you to select the most promising solutions, and identify means to achieve them (Baker Addams, 1993, pp. 82).

Purpose of Business Plan

The main purpose of developing a business plan is the planning of economic activities in the firm's short-and long-term periods in accordance with market needs and opportunities of obtaining the necessary resources. Along with the main defining purpose compilers of the business plan should reflect the different goals:

Social goals - overcoming shortages of goods and services, environmental improvement, improvement of psychological climate in the country, creating new spiritual and cultural values, development of scientific, technical and creative potential, the expansion of business contacts, international relations;

Raising the status of the entrepreneur - developing and strengthening the economic potential of the entrepreneur. This is a prerequisite and guarantee of the possibility of success of subsequent transactions, raising the prestige entrepreneur, generated by his fame, good reputation, guarantees high quality products and services;

Other, specific goals and objectives - the development of contacts, foreign travel, participation in various associations, etc.

The basis of business plan is the concentration of financial resources to strategic objectives, i.e., it is intended to help the entrepreneur to solve the following problems related to the operation of the firm:

Identify specific areas of activity, promising markets and place the company in those markets;

Assess the costs necessary for the manufacture and marketing of products commensurate with their prices at which goods will be sold in order to determine the potential profitability of the project;

Determine compliance with company personnel and the conditions for motivation of their work requirements to achieve the goals;

Analyze the material and financial position of the company and determine whether the material and financial resources to achieve goals;

Calculate the risks and provide challenges that can interfere with the business plan (Bracke J, Pearson, 1986, pp 503).

Proposal of Golf Course

The Hotel and Tourism Industry is changing trends to provide a unique experience to customers during their stay, offering different tour packages that include the introduction of sports (golf lessons, tennis lessons, soccer lessons, adventure circuits) of health spas, local cuisine, local history courses, wine tourism, ecotourism, language courses, etc.). With more than 32,000 golf courses in the world, golf has become a popular sport and suitable for all ages and ...
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