Business Plan For Deo Company

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Business Plan for Deo Company

Table of Content

Section 1: Executive Summary5


Mission and Vision of Deo Motors6

Structure of Management6

Business Description7

Code of Conduct8


Marketing Plan8

Information Technology9


Section 2: Deo Motors Code of Conduct11

Compliance with Laws and Rules11

Accountability and Transparency11

Environmentally Responsible12

Societal Responsibilities12

Equal Opportunity and Diversity12

Vehicle Safety12

Prohibition of Insider Trading13

Asset Management and Confidentiality13

National Interest14

Financial Reporting and Records14


Equal Opportunities Employer14

Section 3: Operations of Deo Company15

Manufacturing Process Planning15

Reduction of waste during production17

The cycle of processing resources17

Cleaner Production18

Outsourcing effects on value creation18

The Risk of Dependence18

Risks related to the use of market19

The Dangers of Excessive Outsourcing19

Section 4: Market Plan for Deo Company20

Marketing Strategy20

New Product/ Current Market20

Benefits that a hybrid Vehicle Offers20

Strategic Goals of Deo Motors21

Identification of End User22

Distribution Channel22

Unique Positioning and Product differentiation22

Pricing Strategy23

Marketing Spending Strategy23

Research and Development23

Market Research and Expenditure Strategy24

Marketing Plan25

Situation Analysis25

Demand Trends25

Technological Changes25

Social and Cultural Factors25

Media Environment26

Market Segmentation26

Target Market26


Benefits of Market Research27

SWOT analysis27





Marketing Mix Strategy28





Section 5: Information Technology30

It's Importance31

Role of Cloud Computing in Deo Motors (Automotive Industry)34

Modern Practices34

Section 6: Financials36

Cost of Startup Business36

Business Registration and Certification Fees36

Setup Location36

Equipment and Tools37

Advertising Cost37

Employee Costs37

Pricing Model38

The Benefits of Cash Flow39


Competitive Advantage40

Long-term Outlook40

Problem with not conducting a Cash Flow Analysis40

Financial Distress41

Working Capital41


Section 7: Management in Your Organization42

The Management Team42

Business Team's Concept, Group Dynamics, and the Strengths and Weaknesses43




Strengths and Difficulties44

The Management Philosophy on Communication and Organizational Culture45

Leadership Actions Taken to Adapt Business to the Following46

Manufacturer has done on a Labor Strike that may Last for six Months46

Competitors have Emerged in Direct Competition with the Company46

Have Laid off Half Your Employees and Rest are Disheartened47


Organizational Structure48



Business Plan for Deo Company

Section 1: Executive Summary

The business that I want to start is related to Automotive Industry that is based on producing Hybrid Electrical Vehicles. Starting a business in an automotive industry is not an easy task as it requires extensive research. One cannot establish a sound business in this industry until and unless he or she owns experience and knowledge about all the competitors or rivals within the industry. Every business is based on some clear goals and objective that can be accomplished by quality vision and mission statement of the business. There is a huge competition in the automotive industry as each of the company is launching vehicles that have distinctive features from other company's vehicles. So for this all the companies need to be extra careful only then they would be able to survive in the industry. The business is in designing phase and it will be launched just after testing its strength (Churchill, 1983).


The name of the company will be Deo Motors, and it will be launched in Chicago, USA. The main reason behind manufacturing hybrid electric vehicle is due to the quality of technology used in manufacturing it. Hybrid electric vehicle is a kind of electric and hybrid vehicle that combines a conventional internal combustion engine propulsion system with an electric propulsion system. The hybrid electric vehicle holds better fuel economy and performance than an old vehicle. Most of the common form of hybrid electric vehicles is the hybrid electric car, trucks and ...
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