Business Plan

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Business Plan



Problem, Issue or Concern in an Organization1

Proposal Fits the Expressed Goals of the Organization1

Temporal shift in the work process1

Improvement in the Work Process1

Time Management1

Adaptation of New Techniques and Technologies1

Change of management process1

Training to Employees1

Pro active Decisions1

Benefits achieved from Goals1

Stakeholder 2: Investors1

Stakeholder 3: Employees1

Stakeholder 4: Suppliers and Customers1

Stakeholder 5: Government Regulations1

Concept and a design1

Need of ROI (Return of Investment)1

Expected and real goals1

Evaluation of productivity of labor1

Increase of net income1

Decrease in the process of production1

Spare time1

Strategic relationship with the supplier and customer1

Development of the internal environment1

Quality of work1

Continuous improvement1

Overcome obstacles1

Use of experience and knowledge1

Lack of Communication1

Long term Goals1

Loss of investment1

Use of yardstick1

Pro active move1

Risk Mitigation1

Decrease of communication barriers1

Goal oriented1

Pro-active move1

Use of investment through benchmark1



Business Plan


It is said that the external environment shape the internal environment of organization itself. There are many environments that are not only surprising but also alter the organization rhythms. Such rhythm changes the experience and perception of time pressure, risk measures, plans and policy measures and control all the elements of organization over time. Furthermore, the data suggest that the ability of environment not only alter the experience of employees but also help to change the organizational boundaries. This study contributes such plans, strategies and mechanism, which help in change in organizational structures and process.


Problem, Issue or Concern in an Organization

A fundamental question appears in the organization is, how organizations change themselves according to the internal and external conditions. The most well developed aspect is that events in organization's environment motivate the change. Shortfall in target performance, unexpected competitors move, technological shift or demands of customer triggers a change. Repeated performance creates routinization and inefficiency in an organization. Unexpected problems create weakness in established strategies and thus provoke change. Organization adjusts goals to produce outcomes and those goals help in react to the problems.

Ditto, a high technology office equipment manufacturer, face the problem that engineer found hard to get their work done in a short amount of time. They work day and night, also on weekends to complete their task. The people in organization constantly interrupt each other, which create the cycle of crises that inversely affected the product development process.

BBA, precision metal manufacturers, want to recognize that despite a lot of production pressure on employees, how they found opportunities for improvement in production steps, by using those technologies, which are already in use of them? How proper use of technologies implement new ideas? Employees do not get much time after the routine efficient production plan. Adaptation of new technologies creates interruption in the regular routine of employees.

Personal Computer Software Company faces a problem in creating new opportunities for reevaluation during product development process. The company also want to know how to respond to the unexpected event occur in the market without sacrificing the efficiency and speed.Alternate Perspectives

Research should be designed and collaboratively discuss with the engineers, in order to explore such work structure, that could change the overall environment of organization for them. Formal time schedule should be made for an engineer's so that no one will ...
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