Business Plan

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Business plan

Executive Summary

In current era, it is important to develop effective business plan that attracts entrepreneurs. A business plan should have clarity and attractive presentation to investors (Abrams, 2003, pp. xiv). The concept of business is to setup a truck with selling freshly pressed juice of vegetables and fruit. The concept is discussed as later; the base of the concept is to provide healthy juices to health conscious customers. The junk drinks such as fizzy drinks, soda and other artificial juices are harmful for the human body.

The business proposed has a lot of potential for growth as awareness towards health is growing among people. The business poses a unique selling strategy to focus the health conscious people. Business has low setup and operational cost. After successful business, Healthy Juice Truck can expand its business over online orders and home delivery services can be offered.

Executive Summaryii


Business concept1

Name of the business2

Objective of the business2

Target customer3

Marketing mix4

Competitor of Healthy Juice Truck5

Manufacturing process of the business5

Cost required for business6


Breakeven analysis7

Operational budget8

Sales budget8

Production budget8

Inventory purchase budget9

Direct Material purchase budget10

Direct labour budget11

Overhead Budget12

Cash flow budget14


Business plan


In 21st century, to attract entrepreneur it is important to develop effective business plan. Without proper presentation and clarity of business plan, no company can achieve its goal or secure financing. If the business plan is well defined and well presented, it could attract good investors (Abrams, 2003, pp. xiv).

There are some factors which are involved in successful business. This factor involve business concept, have a good understanding of market, knowledge of industry trends and wealth, good focus on business and strategies, management capabilities, ability of attracting customers in all aspects, financial control, responsiveness to change and value of the company and reliability (Abrams, 2003, pp. 1).

Business concept

(Abrams, 2003, pp. 1) focuses on refining business concept, a good concept adds in at least one concept. Which are; it includes new technology or new service or feature; it could be an improvement of current product or service; a product or service for underserved market; incorporation of the new system or technology for enhancing product or services value; and addition of more services or products.

The concept of business is to setup a truck with selling freshly pressed juice of vegetables and fruit. The concept is discussed as later; the base of the concept is to provide healthy juices to health conscious customers. The junk drinks such as fizzy drinks, soda and other artificial juices are harmful for the human body.

It was observed by various health organizations worldwide and found that the Australia is ranked 11th for spending on fast food and it is among the nations that are known as fast food nations. Australia, which before this known for its rugged and tough lifestyle, now titled among the fattest nations of the world. Obesity leads to other consequences and among them and the major problem that rises from obesity is type 2 diabetes. In recent reports Australia ranked 4th among obese nations (Hauser & Mann, 2013, ...
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