Business Plan

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Business Plan


The business proposal entails about the loan requirements of the company which we are about to start with your cooperation. This will only be possible only if you consider this plan eligible for the funding criteria. The objective of the project is to launch an Apple authorized Reselling Store. The market for apple products is sustainable and ever increasing due to the first mover advantage it had achieved when it launched I phone. The objective of the company is to launch series of stores over three years and then develop a feasibility to launch the stores across Europe in different countries. The objective of the company is to become the largest apple reseller in the next 6 years after commencing its operations. The store will have unique selling proposition of adapting to the needs of the customer after commencing its operations. Loyalty cards will be provided to the customers, which will induce repetitive purchase behavior over the period. Strong links will be developed with the with the educational and business institutions through which the products will be sold as they will be providing the grounds for selling the products as well as boot camp training. Store will be situated in Forster Park Bradford, which will be accessible to the students of the University of Bradford. The students will be provided training of the products. Training will develop the desire in students to purchase the products.

The initial cost structure comprises of Marketing, training, inventory store purchase and renovation. The capital borrowed will be invested in these categories. However, Apple will be supporting in terms of marketing costs but the payments will come after 6 months of incurring and expense. We are looking forward to maintain a long-term relationship with the bank as the company aims to launch it all over Europe in next 6 years. The relationship will be of more than six years. Thus, it will be an added advantage to the company and bank.



Apple Inc. is among the most successful companies in the world today because of the innovative nature of developing products. The launch of I phone is amongst its breakthrough products over the period. However, the demand of the product is ever increasing due to the marketing of the product as a necessary element of an individual's life. The product is a symbol of status for the owner and considered an integral part of life. The company has outclassed its competitors in terms of innovation and quality of the product. The added advantage for opening the reselling store will be to use the already developed reputation and integrity of the company, which will provide strength to the business. The initial objective of the company is to setup a store. The medium term objective is to setup three stores within three years of initiation of operations. The long-term strategy of the company is to open 20 outlets of authorizes reselling store. This will make it one of the biggest companies in Europe (Mintel, ...
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