Business Plan

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Business Plan

Business Plan


The current business plan is aimed upon opening a small coffee segment in the form of a coffee shop within the organization. This new business is aimed upon enhancing the present revenue generation of the business and diversifies it further to boost the product and service provision of the organziation. This business plan will discuss the mission, vision, objectives, funding sources and other aspects of the new business that is being started within the existing organization. The presence of pests in the cultivation of coffee in Amazonas detracts the competitiveness of the organic coffee from this valley over other.

From being a regulated market, in which governments played an active role, to be a free market system in which anyone can participate and in which the market determines the price of coffee, there have been various changes. It is because of these changes that the large coffee companies can buy raw materials at very low prices. This goes without saying that the coffee world has entered strongly in the market and the coffee growing regions have increased their already substantial production (Rice, Paul and Jennifer, 1999). The result is that there is more coffee, and lower quality, leading to a dramatic fall in the price paid to farmers. The stagnation in consumption is not affecting coffee companies. The free market offers unprecedented choice. The current standard mixtures may result from the mixture of up to 20 types of coffee (Dicum, Gregory, and Nina, 1999). A sophisticated risk management and hedging enable companies to buy, with the click of a computer mouse, the producer with a lower price, and then make the mixtures.

Real Coffee Cafe: The New Project

The new product is named as the Real Coffee and has been launched in the existing business organization. The coffee shop is located on the first floor of the building and a staircase or lift can be taken to reach it. Also in the coffee shop, there is wood furniture and leather chairs and wood paneling along with large murals that convey the Southern feeling. The restaurant mainly serves the "typical American" coffee flavors and tastes. Besides this, it also has burgers, steaks, ribs and potato wedges or serves to its customers. The small coffee shop selling Real Coffee, known as the Real Coffee cafe, entertains its consumers with light musical entertainment in the form of Jazz that is running in the background and is not live. The restaurant has 70 seats, and here, the windows can be opened to the floor serving as a safety gate which is used to provide the necessary security.

The cafe applies the concept of self-service where the customers have tehir drink and return the glasses. As a special feature in the Real Coffee Cafe, a grill is always available and it may only operate the guests of the beer garden itself free of charge. The service staff in each area are dressed uniformly - there are simple garments like white Blouses and skirts for the women provided ...
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