Business Plan

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Business Plan for LSA

Executive Summary

LSA has designed an application for Smartphone for the students of the campus that allows students to research accommodations available (and book viewings). The main clients are the students of the campus who are looking for accommodations within and outside the campus. The app designed by LSA provides the students with all the accommodations available in the campus and even outside the campus, as well as images, videos and reviews by the other students to help them select a suitable accommodation. Across the UK, there are a few facilities like this available for the students. The students have to waste their time and energy to research the accommodation which can be feasible to them. There are a few websites that provide this facility to the students and merely two of them have such app designed to assist the student to select the accommodations from their mobile phones. LSA's market strategy is to focus on the effectiveness and less time consuming way to assist the students to select the accommodations. The students already have so much stress about their studies, this app will ease the one of the major problem of the students saving their time and energy. The main staff of LSA includes the software team, financial and marketing team and research team. Gradually, the origination will start hiring more individuals and the departments will also grow. The major need is the HR department which will help in the recruitment of quality human resource. Based on the size of our market and our defined market area, our sales projections for the first year are £50,000. The salary for each of the co-owners will be £5,000. The company seeks an investment of about £30,000 for financing the growth of the first year. The total investment already made is £10,000 which will fulfil the capital requirements.

Business Plan for LSA


In the last century, the development in different technologies has grown progressively. Our society has progresses a lot further then it was a century ago. Humans have built different tools to make the daily jobs easier and faster. Over the past century, different inventions have and are still emerging from all over the world. As the technology is progressing, humans are thinking of more and more ways to modify, make them more advanced and even develop innovative technologies to perform the task even faster. In the past few years, the most popular and fast spreading technology are cell phones. Since their introduction, they have been undergoing dramatic modification; emerging sleeker, slimmer and more compact. They have now become cheaper while having numerous applications. Cell phones were once seen as a sign of luxury, have now become a necessity for everyone. Our society has come to the realization of the need to have a quick and affordable access with their families and loved ones.

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