Business Plan

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Business Plan

Business Plan


The purpose of this report is to outline a business plan for the ABC Foods, which is a mobile takeaway business. The report provides a strategic direction for ABC Foods, as well as an implementation strategy and action plan. The food industry is very competitive, due to number of levels which a store can operate at. ABC Foods will be in the middle range of this market, specializing in take away food as the service will be provided through the Mini Van. However, the mobile take away food service through mini van will have a number of strengths which differentiate ABC Foods from their competitors.

Business Plan and its Importance

The business plan is a document structured according to a precise and rigid, which summarizes the contents and characteristics of the entrepreneurial project (business idea). It is a useful tool to assess how aware the strengths and capabilities of the business project. It should not be considered an absolute tool, but a dynamic tool, adaptable to changes that occur inside or outside the company. The business plan can also quickly become obsolete, but they have a very high value if the facts and if used properly. Virtually every business plan is a sort of handbook of the farm or business idea and should be periodically verified by every entrepreneur needs to be amended because it is a prediction based on statistical data and these data are sometimes difficult to find. The main strength will be their customer focus facility through differentiating factor that is food service through mini van near the university for the students.

Business Concept and Form of Ownership

ABC Foods is in the food industry, which is an industry that fluctuates year-to-year. And we know that some believe that the money spent on the service is “disposable income,” but the philosophy is that food should be important to everyone. ABC Foods intend to heavily market this attitude and also the take away food as a service through mini van. In addition to this, the company knows that the company honors its philosophy by offering food services in mobile take away food service through mini van while the differentiating factor that is food service through mini van near the university for the students.

Mini Van sole trader business are business who offere services through Mini Van. They may be owners or employees of a relatively small business. Mini Van sole trader business have the advantage of enjoying low-cost food through mini van, since they are paid of wholly or largely local air carriers or foreign, state tourist offices, hotels, tours operators and owners of tourist complexes.

The name of this business is “ABC Foods”. ABC Foods came into existence on 1st January, 2012 by the sole owner namely: in order to run the business more effectively and efficiently with new ideas and innovative products and services. The Head Office ABC Foods is located in main city of London near Birmingham palace. ABC Foods accounting periods end on June 30th ...
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