Business Plan

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Business Plan

Business Plan

Build/Continue a Capable Strategy Executing Organization

Baldwin Inc. must build their departments around dynamic work teams, and encourage creativity and innovation within each department, Encourage competition between departments and teams for rewards and Other incentives, Tie incentives and reward systems to strategic goals, Involve managers and employees at all levels of your company in strategic discussion and decision-making, Allow employees to give their input freely, and let your actions speak louder than your words when it comes to giving real consideration to employee's concerns and ideas.

This assignment focuses on the financial side of the business. The assignment will incorporate the funds required to strat the business and other financial data that is used in setting up the business.

Recruit, Train and Retain Talented Employees

The curRent state of the labour markets does not indicate any imminent explosion in the supply of talented people nor an implosion in the demand for same. Therefore, retaining the staff you have worked so hard to recruit is increasingly vital for organisations. Just as there are many reasons why people leave a company, there is no single magic solution for the problem of high staff turnover. The process of staff retention does very definitely begin in the recruitment phase.

Checklist for Hiring and Retaining Employees

Determine the need for a new or replacement position.

Think creatively about how to accomplish the work without adding staff .

Hold a recruiting planning meeting with the recruiter, the HR leader, the hiring manager, and, potentially, a coworker or internal customer.

Develop and prioritize the key requirements needed from the position and the special qualifications, traits, characteristics, and experience Baldwin Inc. seek in a candidate.

With HR department assistance, develop the job description for the position.

Determine the salary range for the position.

Start-up Capital

Baldwin, Inc Financial Managers will incur the following start-up costs:

Desk, chair and file cabinet.

Couch and table.

Fax machine, copier.

Computer with printer, CD-RW, and Internet connection.

Legal fees for business formation.

Start-up Requirements

Start-up Expenses




Stationery etc.










Research and Development


Expensed Equipment




Total Start-up Expenses




Cash Required


Other Current Assets


Long-term Assets


Total Assets




Total Requirements






Start-up Funding


Start-up Expenses to Fund


Start-up Assets to Fund


Total Funding Required






Non-cash Assets from Start-up


Cash Requirements from Start-up


Additional Cash Raised


Cash Balance on Starting Date




Liabilites and Capital




Current Borrowing


Long-term Liabilities


Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)


Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)


Total Liabilities






Planned Investment




Investor 2




Additional Investment Requirement


Total Planned Investment

$22,000 ...
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