Business Plan

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Business Plan

Business Plan

Executive Summary

LiLaPo is an emerging organization, which aims at providing excellent and outstanding day care facilities to children between 1 and 5 years of age. It is a mid-sized child care centre that would provide safe and secure environment to children that would satisfy parents as well as other caretakers.


The day care centre is been solely and exclusively designed to teach native language to children and also to familiarize them with their culture. It is due to the same reason that the design of LiLaPo is in accordance with the local culture and the national norms and values. The centre offers Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish and Russian languages, advance technology programs, if required after nursery hours tutoring and activities such as arts, dance and gymnastics all in one location. 1.2 Mission

The mission of LiLaPo Day Care Centre is to provide a safe and secure environment to parents; there they can leave their children while they carry out their daily tasks. The provision of cultural and traditional environment as well as language learning facility allows them to learn in a safe and secure environment and thus turn out to be more patriotic and aware of their roots.

1.3 Keys to Success

In this business, the key to success price, service and reputation, and thus the adherence to the rules and claims made by the management. This implies that the LiLaPo Day Care Centre must be able to teach the national languages as well as cultural values to the children without overburdening them. In addition, it must also provide a protected and sheltered environment to children where their needs are fulfilled and thus parents are satisfied.

2.0 Company Summary

LiLaPo Day Care Centre is Russia- based day care centre, which is being established to fill in the gap created by the media and other agencies. This implies that the loss of cultural values, that is being created because parents generally do not have enough time to teach their children, would be filled by LiLaPo Day Care Centre that would be teaching various national languages as well as national and traditional values to children, who would grow up to be informed and updated adults.

2.1 Start-up Plan

The organization would be initiated as a mid-sized day care centre, and the start-up cost has been estimated to be £200,000. Half of this cost will be financed by the owner personal cash funds and other half will be financed by Northampton Borough Council.

2.2 Company Locations and Facilities

The company would be located in the competitive area of Northampton area; where there are 42 other day care centers operating already and LiLaPo Day Care Centre would have to make significant efforts to get established. However, it should be noted that none of the day care centers is currently teaching the different languages that LiLaPo Day Care Centre would teach, initially without any extra charge.

3.0 Products and Services

LiLaPo Day Care Centre would provide children with excellent and modern learning facilities that ...
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