Business Plan

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Business Plan

Business Plan

[Name of the Faculty]

Executive Summary

Lot of challenges is faced by the business due to globalization. Globalization, the companies must adopt the latest technology. E-commerce is the need of the modern day business and thus e-commerce must be adopted by the business, to compete in the market. Although, diverse business model is, exist which show different combinations of technology, human resource and other to boost profit. With time, it proved that companies can only sustain in the market only if they implement e-commerce in the business. It is because e-commerce is cost effective and efficient. In general the term "e-commerce" or "electronic commerce" any form of commercial transaction in which the parties interact using the network instead of the exchange or direct physical contact. The "e-commerce" integrates the entire trading process: consultation, quote, demonstration, proposals, sales, Serbs (in which includes academics) and a number of operations that performed in real time. Transparency, speed, reduced costs of transactions and communication "online" with participants in the commercial circuit of the company is some of the benefits that companies can be found in electronic commerce. In this paper, I try to focus on the e-commerce business plan for my own company.

Table of Content


Business Description4

Products offered4



Business Goals and Objectives5

Business Models-Revenue and Payment Models5


Market Analysis/Market Forecast6

Threat of New Entrants6

Power of Buyers7

Power of Suppliers7

Target Markets7

Marketing Strategy8

Creative Strategy8

Promotion Strategy8

Price Strategy9

Competitor Analysis10




Competitive Advantage11



E-commerce Business Plan


The strategy cost involved in setting up a business that provides a customer service, market service of setting a business of a product. In this paper, we discussed the comprehensive analysis of the existing e-commerce business, then indicating my own business analysis that will fits in the existing market of e-commerce. The business includes and takes into consideration of having new business strategies in finding new clients, keeping existing clients and long-term planning to develop a sustainable plan (Blattberg, 2000).

Business Description

Doing business electronically" allow companies to gain a strong strategic position in the market. Today, men and women, see the Commerce Business Mail as a way to modernize their operations, reach new markets and better serve their customers. Also, play a pivotal role in the reengineering of business processes within an organization because it is a way to automate the processes between departments or divisions of an organization.

Products offered

My e-commerce business will give new opportunities through electronic commerce that will easily possible to all:

Make it to be easier to work with business clients.

Help design a strategy for relations with customers and suppliers, especially internationally.


In today's organization, it is imperative to learn a new system to manage and promote skills development of people, my business will gives them opportunities.


Many people think that electronic commerce is still a utopia. However, if we look at the turnover made certain countries like the U.S. or Canada, the perspective changes; it is possible to think of electronic commerce as a business opportunity that can represent all sectors and countries, including the Dominican Republic with the signing of FTA with the United ...
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