Business Organizations

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Business Organizations in Global Context

Business Organizations in Global Context

Section 1. Key Differences between Global Business Operations

Key Difference between organizations in different sectors

The organizations perform in two sectors, the public sector and the private sector. The public sector organizations are the ones which are operated and owned by government. The public sector organizations are operated by federal, provincial or municipal governments which include; healthcare, police and prison services and publicly owned banks like Federal Reserve System in United States.

The private sector organizations are owned and operated privately and are not part of government. The organizations in private sector may include; retail stores, private businesses, private schools and private educational institutions.

Key Difference between organizations in different Industries

There are two types of industrial organizations, the manufacturing industry and the service industry. Manufacturing industry comprises of tangible goods and products and the service industries are non tangible services deliverable to customers.

There are differences in their organizational operations where the manufacturing industry is involved in the purchasing of raw materials, process in factory for final goods and then supply it to market for consumers. The examples of manufacturing industry include; everyday consumables like dairy industry, pharmaceutical industry, automobile industry, textile industry. The service organization is focused on delivering the quality service to customers. Examples of service industry include tourism and healthcare industry, restaurants, banks, telecommunication and entertainment industry.

Key Difference between organizations in different Contexts

The organization context includes the structure which influences the social positions and roles of individuals or groups in an organization. The organization structure may be centralized or decentralized where there is significant domain of action where an individual performs, operates and reports to his upper authority (Robbins and Campbell et al., 2010, pp. 341-350)

The responsibilities of organisations operating globally

The organization which performs globally has more responsibilities beyond the national boundaries. These responsibilities include operations at the social, economic, and natural sphere. Where organization engages in support of natural environment, the economic conditions influencing the employees and communities with different economic conditions and expectations. The social responsibility includes the operations which impact on the societies favorably including the investors, public and government officials, customers, activists, suppliers and investors. In this way the organization performs globally with approach of sustainable development (Alessia, 2009, pp 1-2).

Strategies employed by organizations operating globally

The strategies performed by organizations at global level depend upon the type of organization. The organization which is involved in manufacturing has the focus to penetrate its product worldwide. For example, Pepsi and coca cola are the giant manufacturers in beverage industry which are operating worldwide. Besides, different departments of the United Nations Organizations which perform worldwide with different operations like World Trade Organization (WTO) focuses on favorable trade relations among the nations. World Health Organization (WHO) focuses to assist with healthcare solutions globally.

Section 2. The impact of external factors on organizations

Impact of national economy on business organizations

The organization which performs in any environment possesses its strengths and weaknesses. Besides, the external environment of organization includes the opportunities and threats in its ...
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