Business Organization

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Business Organization

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Business Organization

Question 1

Betty is essentially a small business investor, who has identified a viable business opportunity in her given community. The business idea is regarding the development of a Christian ideology oriented coffeehouse, which will seek to cater the vast religious consumer market in the region, including the Mormon temple, churches and Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even though there is a lucrative opportunity for Betty Christian themed coffeehouse, she has to realize that her business would essentially be a small to medium organizational entity, and the type of eth planned business should be selected adequately.

The franchise is a valid and feasible option for Betty as it would allow her to attain trading and assistance from an already developed business entity; however her entrepreneurial role would be depleted (Hogarth-Scott et Al, 1996). The partnership oriented type of business would allow Betty to keep the innovative style of business idea and the management policies, along with attaining the adequate amount of investments for the business; however her managerial inexperience can prove to be dilemma. The other types of business ventures such as joint ventures, corporations or etc, would not be ideal for Betty's planned business plans, as they are developed for larger business ventures. Betty is planning to develop a new business, with only minimal managerial knowledge and an unproved business plan. The ideal strategy for her should be to maintain a low risk and high managerial control; strategy provided by the partnership option. In small businesses the partnerships allow the manager owners to maintain their business ideologies, and help develop the company into a successful organizational entity (Fernández & Nieto, 2005). Betty has a number of available suitable business partners, who can help her formulate the business partnership. Betty has to ensure that her decision to choose the relevant type of business entity has to be in accordance to her available resources. She ahs to critically analyze the scope of the business and the relevant investors willing to be a part of eth company, before selecting the type of business entity.

Question 2

The individuals, who are included in the management of the business, have a direct impact on the success of the company, and its prospective growth. If the mangers do not have the time or the adequate skills to help the company achieve its targets, the small businesses can face serious dilemmas (Astrachan & Shanker, 2003). In this business venture Betty has a significant decision to make regarding the future of her businessman and the individuals she seeks to include in the ownership and management roles. In my opinion her choice in including the relevant stakeholders in the business should be based on the availability of these individuals, and their ability to add value to the business. Her first priority should be based on the investment of the partners to the business, as any business requires the initial capital to initiate its activities.

In this perspective I believe that her husband's role as a silent ...
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