Business Marketing Relationship

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Business Marketing Relationship

Assignment 1


It is often suggested that one of the major defining characteristics of Business (B2B) markets lies in the behaviour of organisational Buyers and motivations within the buying process. The paper, therefore, focuses on elaborating the statement and outlining the strategic focus of the professionalism in the industrial buyers, especially in a B2B customer market.

Industrial Marketing-B2B

It is customary when dealing with Internet to be using big numbers. Internet has reached more people in less time than any previous technology. More than 360 million people are with access to the network in the world (Ramsay and Wilson, 1990). This is the age of the customers, when the customer has access to more information on competing products, the market becomes more transparent, and the client is the one who sets the rules, even if this means that perhaps network is a market too perfect to have benefits and dealing with that customer for digital media is more complex than doing so through vendor's face.

Each and every organization is dismantled to be competitive in a world of interconnected companies, therefore, the organization should focus on basic skills, to renounce it all, and ally with those who are in the system of its value chain. Moving from competition to work, is to collaborate and compete for some things for others, and requires unlearning that is neither comfortable nor easy. The virtual reality complements far from what was said years ago, the Internet will not wipe out all the "dinosaurs" of the industry, but only with those who do not learn to use their strength to their advantage (Render and Heizer, 1997). The companies that combines robustness with its brand, market knowledge, relationships with suppliers, their financial muscle, etc., are ruling the market, in fact the overall industry. With the vision of companies that know how to manage technology to streamline the value chain, or to improve knowledge of customers, have plenty of room still to go. Perhaps most important is that, the Internet has shown us that information is the essential resource of success. The relationship between companies along the value chain is increasingly information-intensive, and based on information technology (Riley, 2000). Transforming information into knowledge on intranets is considered substantial for strategic competition of the company. Therefore, direct connection with the customer through the website of the organization is considered vital to take the pulse of the market and to initiate greater consumer satisfaction.

Internet has a significant impact on business-to-to-business organization structure. More specifically, the Internet has made possible the reduction of transaction costs between firms. In other words, finding suppliers, negotiating with them, and coordinate supplies, can be cheaper over the Internet. The effect of this reduction in transaction costs is that companies find it more economical to focus on doing what they do better than anyone (its core activity) in the market for whatever they need to do, under the best conditions and prices. The ways in which businesses use the Internet to their ...
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