Business Marketing

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Business Marketing

Definitions of Marketing3

Marketing Definition by Lois Geller - President, Lois Geller Marketing Group3

Marketing Definition by Cece Salomon-Lee - director of marketing ACTIVE Network3

Personal Marketing Definition3

Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success4

Example from Business World5

McDonalds Marketing in India5

Success of Harley-Davidson in United States6

Wal-Mart Stores6


Business Marketing

Definitions of Marketing

Marketing Definition by Lois Geller - President, Lois Geller Marketing Group

According to Lois Geller, Marketing is the process in which we derive the decision of individuals to purchase our items in the Market. Given that the marketing method is set to work in an enormous manner, there needs to be a methodology or huge thought to whet individuals demand and what we are offering. While marketing, we initiate with an arrangement of goals, methodology and strategies. It is a procedure that assists organizations assemble associations with its clients and makes remarkable worth for them (Geller, 2013).

Marketing Definition by Cece Salomon-Lee - director of marketing ACTIVE Network

According to Cece Salomon-Lee, Marketing is the capacity to impart a message to your crowd and requesting a reaction from them. This reaction can take the positive impression of your brands, urge to buy a thing, to contact your organization for additional data or even spread your message to others. What's more regardless of what the coveted reaction is promoting may as well dependably outline over to your in general business targets (, 2013).

Personal Marketing Definition

Marketing is the process in which an organization or an agency intends to make a product popular enough among the customers that they consume the marketed brand regularly. The marketing process is the combination of both art and science. The efficient marketing includes attractive graphics with its submission to the customer by making use of significant scientific technologies. A proper and long lasting marketing help the organization to build eternal relation with its customers. Marketing is the combination of procedures and strategies the organization use to recognize and develop the business for your products or services.

Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success

On the basis of marketing definition of Lois Geller, marketing in an effective manner for the brand is highly dependant on the customers demand and the products the organization is offering. The Lois Geller point of view of marketing is a significant concept that can be used in the success of an Organization. The administrators of an organization need to understand the current and the long-lasting demand of the customer in their business region. If an organization is offering an expensive car brand and expect the customers to purchase their product in a region where the overall population is effected by inflation then there is a high probability that such organization will fail to succeed in their objective, Therefore, to create the high demand product, the organization needs to identify the demand of customers of that region (Geller, 2013)..

Cece Salomon-Lee explains the importance of marketing as a key factor in the success of an organization. The successful organization needs to convey the significant and ...
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