Business Management

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Business Management

Q.1. Explain how job analysis provides information useful in recruitment and selection, compensation, and Performance appraisal.

Performance assessment (PA) is often one of the most important human resource developments (Boswell and Boudreau, 22, Judge and Ferris, 13) and is considered one of the most researched topics in work psychology (Fletcher, 22). PA is increasingly part of a strategic approach to integrating HR and business policy and is now a generic term for a variety of activities through which organizations seeks to assess employees and develop their competence, performance and distribute rewards (Fletcher, 20). Many organizations still Although both practice and research have evolved from a narrow focus on psychometric and assessment of the problems, more development and motivational aspects of the PA, moved complain about their assessment systems (Fletcher, 1997). According to Fletcher (2001), may be due to a lack of success of the PA as a mechanism for the development and motivation of the people. While not a new observation (eg Coates, 194; Meyer et al, 15, Pearce and Porter, 16) there is little systematic research on the development of the PA (ie, every effort you in an accumulation of views, experiences and skills that the efficiency of employees (Boswell and Boudreau, 20),) and it has the potential to create a sophisticated and motivated workforce.

Since the perception of managers, what motivates their subordinates to their assessment of the impact employees? So far, researchers mainly on the evaluation (see [Ilgen et al., 19] for review) have focused, as well as an understanding of how experts make decisions to develop subordinates (see [Arvey and Murphy, 198] for review). Laboratory experiments by [Pelletier and Valle Rand, 1996] in the North American participants performed indicates that, even if not distinguish the real performance of subordinates, superiors, the power rate more positive if they have reason to believe that its object was motivated for the task appropriate had (ie child "enjoyed working on these types of problems"), like (to be compared ie subjects participating in the experiment, for $ 10 for all subjects ") with external reasons given was shining.

Surprisingly, played the role of perception receive insufficient attention to motivate managers. This domain solution is particularly important in the context of an organization, as the assessment of managers is a core role in organizations as defined rewards (eg shares and bonuses) played. Based on [Pelletier and Valle Rand, 1996], a prediction that at least North American managers their perceptions of the staff of the internal motivation weigh to a greater extent than their perception of the employees of external motivation. However, as the above overview of recent findings in cultural psychology suggests that different models are emerging in collectivist cultures. In particular, the Asian tendency to cognitive process of social peace in a holistic approach will lead to managers to their ideas about external motivation and their perception of intrinsic motivation predominate, while effusive could social manifestations of Latin America sensitized executives weigh their perceptions of intrinsic motivation more than their perceptions of ...
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