Business Management

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Business Management: Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Business Management: Leadership and Organizational Behavior


The purpose of this study is to compare the two different approaches that are related to the leadership and also to know about the strengths and limitations associated with the leadership approaches. Due to the implementation or the presence of the leadership approaches, an organization can enhance its productivity as if the leader is efficient and effective in his job or in the implementation of his approaches than the employees and his subordinates will get motivated and hence the productivity of an organization will increase. Furthermore, this study focuses on the skills and the transformational approaches that are associated with the leadership and the good managerial practice in the organizations. There have been various studies or theorists who focused on these approaches of leadership and there studies are discussed in the following part of this study. The approaches that are skills and the transformational are vital for the leader and his followers as these approaches provides a proper path for making an organization or the group of people to grow in more efficient and effective manner and this all process is done to get the main objective of the organization that includes the vision and mission of an organization. For an organization it is important that the leader should be at his peak because if the leader of an organization is not effective than the performance of his followers will also decline so we can say that there may de direct relationship between the leader's efficiency and effectiveness of his followers. So, the leader should focus on all of his approaches but most importantly on the skills and the transformation.


Approaches: Skills and Transformational

As the corporate level employee or the leader of an organization in your business, a leader have to direct other people within the organization so that needs of business will be fulfilled and also relating or involving the behavioral, ethical and standards and knowledge transformation should be done which will put the organization in the path of success and will set an example that other may also will follow. (Alvesson, 2000, pp. 23-1101)

Skills and the Transformational approaches to Leadership

Keeping in view the impact of this alteration on staff, which shows that the managers should learn and apply the proactive techniques or methods in managing the staff needs and this, can be done through many changes that are inherent in most of the organizations. In the business environment, key players and the managers are often on the technological change and the processes that their competitiveness in the twenty first Century focuses. The concerns related to leadership are vital, but that does not eventually succeed without the support of personnel to implement. By the assistance of the effective leadership transition, employees are capable to deal effectively and efficiently and also agree to the changes that are presented. (Amabile, 1988, pp. 67-123)

A Multidimensional approach to Skills and Transformational change leadership

The Skills, you need to develop all aspects of the ...
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