Towards a reconfigured research practice in IBMS33
The influence and extent of globalization and international business36
Theory and hypotheses38
International relational exchange and relationship specific investments38
Performance and relationship specific investments40
Relationship specific investments and institutional impediments42
Relationship specific investments and exchange of knowledge and information44
The sample48
Data Collection49
Model estimation50
Development of measures52
Measurement of performance54
The measurement of the specific investment costs57
Measurement of institutional barriers57
Measurement of knowledge and information57
Control measurements58
Uni-dimensionality structures58
Discriminant Action59
Measurement model fit method59
Check Results59
Political assumptions68
Chapter # 1: Introduction
An important event in the context of the general trend of internationalization has an increasingly active role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the attention of a number of international researchers of the economy (eg been played attracted [Chetty et al., 2006], [Lu and Beamish, 2001], [Oviatt and McDougall, 2005] and [Zhou et al., 2007]). Internationalization provides opportunities for growth and productivity for small businesses. To realize these opportunities SMEs often have to make investments in international business relationships (Blankenburg Holm, Eriksson and Johanson, 2005). SMEs are usually financial and administrative resources are limited (Buckley, 2005), and therefore it is particularly important that the conditions for specific investments (Rishis) of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the enforcement of these ([Jarillo, 2008] and [ Oviatt and McDougall study, 2005]). Relationship specific investments are defined as investments are not easily translated into other relationships ([Klein et al., 1978], [Subramani and Venkatraman, 2003] and [Williamson, 1985]).
Problem statement
The uncertainty in participating in international business is good in the international literature of business processes (eg Johanson & Vahlne, 1977). For example, foreign institutional conditions are not easily interpreted by the firm (Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). We also know that disadvantage foreign firms with local firms in terms of understanding local conditions and specific aspects of doing business in this market (in comparison [Barkema et al., 2006], [Hymer, 1976] and [Zaheer, 2006]) .
The purpose of this study is to examine how affect institutional constraints and the amount of knowledge and information exchange with foreign business Rishi internationalization of small and medium-sized businesses and the performance results of these investments.
Rationale of the study
International business means that companies with operations in countries that are involved more or less different from their domestic markets. Countries differ in their requirements of quality standards for products and their norms and values (ie, what social rules of business will be accepted). Rules, norms and values are parts of the country's institutions ([Kostova and Zaheer, 2005], [North, 1990] and [Scott, 2006]). Economic theory defines institutional agencies, the limitations of human beings are designed to shape human interaction ([North, 1990] and [North, 2005]). The establishment of a governance structure in which the management of activities (Williamson, 1985) implement and interpret the institutions, and act accordingly. Thus influence the macro-level institutional constraints of the company decision-making at the micro level (eg Scott, ...