Business Leadership

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Business Leadership



Leadership is a very broad phenomenon. It encompasses variegated factors. Talking about leadership always makes me think about the most important aspect of leadership: the leadership style. The aim and objective of this assignment is also to discuss leadership. In order to undertake discussion about this topic an article is selected. The article that is selected is titled as “Mission possible”. It is written by famous author Kenneth Blanchard. The following part of the paper reflects the discussion in the light of this article.

Ethics in Leadership

According to Blanchard (2010, p.17), the first and the most important thing that this article highlights is that the rapid and fast changes occurring in the world. The only thing that can be considered as constant in today's era is change. These changes are taking place as a result of technological advancements and updates. This also imposes a challenge on managers and leaders to adopt a style of leadership that must complement the changing world.

One of the most significant notions presented in this article is related with how to respond to these rapid changes that is by learning from the past. The idea that is presented in this article is that leaders should learn from their past and do the preparations for the better future or to face the future. According to Blanchard (2010, p.17), if an organization wants to succeed, it is imperative for that organization to make creative use of the untapped energy of the human resource. This can be done by engaging people and people can be engaged to either improve the current situation of the organization or contribute their role in making the future of the organization bright (Blanchard, 2010, 17).

The article points out that when a leader recognizes a problem then the first attempt ...
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