Business Leadership

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[Business Leadership]

Business Leadership

Concept and Theories of leadership

I was able to gain an understanding of various different leadership theories. But firstly, I would to state the concept of leadership. It is often highlighted that the leaders are not born, they are made depending on an individual's willpower and desire. The development of a good leader mainly depends upon certain factors which include education, experience, training as well as self studying different cases. The most basic thing I was able to learn in my module was that an effective leader should be able to understand its own weaknesses as well as strengths. It should be able to make prompt decisions and treat others fairly. The most important quality I personally think a leader should possess in the power or ability to motivate people. Through this it may be able to meet deadlines and do the things which others would not think possible. However, a leader should know how to make others respect him. A leader should also possess integrity, knowledge, endurance as well as a creative imagination. Apart from these a leader should possess the ability of having a good sense of judgment, self-control, courage, understanding, etc.Apart from all the abilities and qualities a leader should possess, it is important to note that there are several things which a leader should avoid as well.

These mainly include poor communication with its staff along with reluctance to delegation. If these things are not avoided, it may lead errors and misunderstandings, thus allowing inefficiencies and resentment amongst the team members. Another important thing a leader should avoid is the element of favoritism. A leader should at all costs avoid favoring one member of the team over the other. This would lead to resentment and lack of trust in the leader. During various modules, our teachers put us students together in to teams. I was able to learn a lot from this module as I have myself witnessed many things in a team. The important being the communication process which is supposed to be absolute and efficient. We were able to meet certain deadlines in the courses where we thought we might get remanded for late submissions.

In the module, there are various leadership theories that we were able to learn. The most basic were three of these. According to the first theory known as the trait theory, an individual is required to possess certain attributes in order to be a successful leader. An individual's intellectual and physical characteristics, behaviors, personality traits as well as skills are all connected to this theory. However, my understanding of the theory has led an issue to emerge. This issue is that different situations may require different traits and abilities in a leader.

Another theory we learned was the behavioral theory. In this, an individual is supposed to possess certain behaviors to become an effective leader. This behavior brings certain advantages with it and the coordination and understanding with in a team is said to ...
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