Business Leadership

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Business Leadership

Business Leadership


One may have heard everywhere to the greatest of the extent about leadership. Everyone has a different opinion about leaders, some say leaders are made, and some say leaders are born. Actually, it does not actually matter how we build a leader but, we all need leaders in every field of life, be it a country, an organization, or your home. To create an understanding about leaders, we can clearly define them as, a person with the ability to make individuals follow him with their own will (Hakala, 2009: 144).

Human resource falls amongst the most important of assets of any organization. Therefore, one can imagine the level of requirement and importance of a leader in any business. We might always experience that why have not my argument accepted but, his or her have. Here, we can see the differentiation in our and a leaders approach. However, it may also depend on the situation one is into, or the team he is leading, and the organization he is working in. For instance, you are part of a centralized environment where not a lot of recommendations are accepted and chance to lead is minimalistic. Therefore, in such case a leader may not be able to work according to his or her approach, and may leave the company and look for an alternative environment. Discussion

There are many explanations of the term leadership and there are many characteristicsw and aspects that expain the same concep. A leader is the one person who is recognised due to his personal traits and characteristics. A person who possesses certin qualities is known as a leader. it is said that leaders are born, not made, which is trut to some extent. Leadership is something that cannot be learned or acquired; it is something that the person has in himself as he possesses the qualities of being a leader. Currently, this concept is changed and altered because the world because with the changing world and increased competition, there are training sessions that are conducted for inculcating the leadership qualities in a person and in making sure that the person is able to assume the role of a leader. It is important that the attitude and behavior of the leader is appropriate and helps the people in bringing out the best in people who are under the leader. The leader should be friendly and should know how to get the work done (Collins, 2004, Pp. 219).

It should be made sure that the leadership is effective so that the work is completed on time and with accuracy. Leadership is very imporant at workplace as it helps in managing the work in the best manner and in also helping the employees in completing the task efficiently. It is important that the leader understands the work first prior to explaing the employees in order to avoid confusion. An effective leader will always make sure that the employees are not facing any problem in their work and are in ...
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