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Commercial Agent of a rising Australian sports star Big Ego purchased an apartment for her from her ex-partner for $A1.2 million and the star is totally unaware of the actual purchaser of that apartment. An acceptance in concept is similarly simple. It signifies the party's intent to be bound by the terms of the contract about the apartment. According to the Australian law, the legal basis incorporates the sponsorship contract achieving by its autonomy. It is known that one of the most striking phenomena of the rights today is the emergence a long series of new contracts. Many of which imported from meeting of minds a feature of contract law. While others are only different varieties traditional contract types, such as sponsorship contract, which we examine with clarity and depth in our research.


Sports sponsorship is a technique of communication by which a sponsor, the sponsor, provides material support . For the sponsor, two elements are essential in the drafting and negotiation of this contract it must clearly define the expected benefits are to take every precaution to secure his legitimate investment. Finally, if freedom of contract remains the foundation of these operations, the parties must nevertheless comply with the limits set by the rules.

The agreement must absolutely define the scope of the exploitation rights granted. The most convenient and effective way is that I as an agent purchase the apartment form the partner and resale this to Ms. Ego the negotiation steps that need to be undertaken is the interactive, social method in which she enlists, when the primary objective is to come to an agreement between Mr. Ego and agent. These are some basic steps that need to be discussed while the contract signed in between the sports star and the agent.

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