Business Law

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Business Law

Business Law Assignment

Business Law Assignment

Question 1

Computer sales and repair business helps people and small firms to maintain computer tools by offering professional knowledge and individual consideration to client service. The extreme character of the computer market, with its unexpected rate of technical growth, generates a steady requirement for businesses accomplished in bringing up to date and giving recommendation to clientele on computer-based matters. In municipality, the mainstreams of prospective clientele are discontented with current alternatives, forming a striking place for an inventive and ground-breaking start up business. Small-scale business computer customers will give the mainstream of business profits. Business Week looks forward computer business to develop at a percentage of 12% and the PC accelerates to carry on developing for years to approach, giving a rich source for sale volumes (

John and Shamim are interested in starting a business of computer sales and repair services and both are forming the business structure of partnership. This is where two or more people have the same opinion to run a business in corporation with each other. It is important that the partnership contract should be drawn up by a legal representative. They are mutually accountable for operating the business and if business fails to make required profits then they both will be mutually in charge for the arrears. This part will provide the necessary steps that will help them to facilitate the process of starting a new business followed by a brief business plan.

Step 1: It is very important to make a business plan first for computer sale and repair business. Highlight training and proficiency in repairing particular computer problems in the first part of the plan. Make a list of all start-up expenses, for example resources and materials and advertising expenses in the second part. Then draft a promotion plan that takes account of the kinds of consumers to target, positions to promote business and approaches to raise recommendations from happy clients in the third part. Lastly, enlist the vendor duties and routine practices in the fourth part of the plan.

Step 2: Apply for a business licensed authorization: Get in touch with neighbouring region clerk's administrative centre or small business management agency for attaining business authorization details. Request a Company Identification Numeral throughout the Domestic Revenue Service. Employ this numeral when filing excise and other business documentations with national and centralized bureaus. Ask for a sales tax numeral through state's division of profits to agree to sales duty from clientele. List computer sale and repair business with state's escritoire of state's administrative centre to structure a company, limited liability corporation or joint venture. Acquire business indemnity to defend computer tools from harm or to pay off the expenses of a court case or resolution.

Step 3: Make a commercial property large enough to fix computer tools, stock up other resources and materials and maintain files and proofs of purchase. Acquire accounting and invoice software to follow client orders, bills, statements and business profits.

Step 4: Advertise computer sale and repair services ...
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