Business Issues And The Contexts Of Human Resources

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Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources

Executive Summary

The paper discusses organizational behaviour and the business issues prevailing in Huntley Oil Company. Huntley Oil was established in 1969 by Ira B Huntley as a small heating and plumbing enterprise. Their business basically depends on keeping a healthy relationship with business partners, suppliers and customers. This paper examines briefly about the organizational behaviour and its impact on Huntley Heating and Oil Company. This report will be submitted to CEO and being an HR manager, I have highlighted certain elements that need to be solved. It is important that the Business Ethics policy of Huntley Company needs to recognize and reinforce the significance in conducting the business legally and ethically throughout worldwide recognition. There are various roads that can lead to organizational problems at the workplace. It is a fact that being successful in solving such problems needs effective leadership strategies especially when it comes to Huntley Company.

Executive Summary1


Aim of the study4

Discussion and Analysis4

About Organization5

Organizational Culture at Huntley Company5

Our Values6




Vision & Strategy7

Our Vision7

Our Strategy7

Ethical policy8

Doing Business with Huntley Company: the role of HR8

Challenges and Role of Management9

Challenges and Opportunities of Organizational Behavior11

Responding To Globalization11

Management of workplace diversity11

Improving quality and productivity12

Improving Customer Service12

Empower staff12

Combat the "temporary"13

Encouraging Innovation and Change13

Improving Ethical Conduct13


Motivational Factor at Huntley Company14

Organizational problem solving steps14



Business Issues and the contexts of Human Resources


Organizations in which people and their work got affected due to the impact on their feelings, actions and thoughts both at work and outside means that managers should play their role for evaluating the reason behind it. It is a fact that with the similar thought, actions and feelings, people affect the organization where they work. Thus, organizational behaviour is a field of research concerned with two types of influences that labor organizations on people and the people on the labor organizations. In the mid-80s and in the 90s, researchers are rediscovering affect organizations through moods and emotions. They see moods as generalized emotional states (generalized feeling states) that are not typically identifying in a more specific manner and being not intense enough for interrupting through process. Those organizations are strong where people work affectively with the thoughts, actions and feelings both outside and work (Smircich, 2006, 339-358). Changes in the company are accompanied by painful processes, which include adaptation by the personnel. In many cases, this adaptation can successfully manage by reducing the degree of resistance to change, speeding up these processes and getting a better return on their implementation.

Aim of the study

Being an HR manager, my objective is to determine and highlight business issues prevailing in the small company. For this project Huntley Company has been chose and their issues in the world of small and medium size businesses. Within the framework of HR, I observed there are several radical changes within “Huntley Company” to which organization have to face, just as, global competition requires that employees be more flexible and learn to face rapid ...
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