Business Information System

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Business Information System

Business Information System


The organisation that we have chosen to carry out this assignment is a Middle Eastern company operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Case organisation is basically Alma Agricultural Corps, thus an agricultural company as indicated in the requirements pertaining to the assignment. For an agricultural company to be successful and for its operations to be aligned with the industry standards, high-quality business systems are imperative. For this reason, information systems concepts and systems thinking play a pivotal role in the operational efficiency of any organisation (Acutech, 2006, pp.96). This systems designing and implementation become even more important in agricultural industry where the prime objective of any company is to ensure the production of healthy crops along with their timely sales; which is of immense importance as the business products or core offering of the firms are perishable. If timely sales are not made certain, an agricultural organisation is most likely to incur a loss, and thus the importance of systems analysis and designing cannot be further emphasized.

Research Question

Describe what the role of information system is in an organization?

Can there be an information system without equipment?

What diagram is used to describe how data is structured?

How would you describe an architecture of an application in which the presentation layer, application of data on the client machine and the data handled by this application are on a central server.


Methodologies pertaining to information systems development and the tools and techniques play an important role in the systems analysis and designing of any organisation. First and foremost, it is important to discuss why the change is needed. Socio-technical approach is the approach that is used so as to pinpoint the factors deriving the change. Change is needed to integrate successful businesses with Information Technology, as this is the need of the era as indicated by socio-technical approach (Avison, 1988, pp.56). The main factor that is pinpointed is the widely used infrastructure for the e-commerce (electronic-commerce) and m-commerce (mobile-commerce) platforms. With the skew in the consumer shopping patterns, companies are now implementing e and m-commerce strategies to support online shopping and related utilities so as to keep up with their existing market share as well as to increase the market share and consumer base.

Considering the socio-technical approach in depth, it is basically focused on developing new operational ways which are considered as more effective thereby deriving greater operational efficiency while fulfilling clients' needs and customers' demands. Focusing on service improvement, socio-technical approach triggers changes through instilling them in work practices and job roles which are predominantly supported through technology. The changes involve management layer so as to have effective leadership throughout the implementation of the change (Avison, 1988, pp.56). Time and budget are the two important factors that are needed to be considered during the systems analysis and designing. And all these factors could be effectively incorporated in the analysis only through the effective portrayal of the rich picture.

Rich picture subsequently creates a platform for the requirements ...
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