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Business functions in Marks and Spencer

Business Functions in Marks and Spencer

Part 1


Marks and Spencer is a Multinational retailer public company that is located in The Great Britain. The Headquarter of this organization is located in the city of Westminster. There are around 703 stores and franchises in UK, and around 361 stores in almost 40 countries of the world. The major purpose of this organisation is to sell food and clothing products. Marks and Spencer was established in the year 1884, and they are meeting the desires and wishes of their consumers. The higher authorities of Marks and Spencer are giving more time towards the nature of customer demands. It is not an easy task for any organisation to fulfil every demand of their customers. Moreover, the organisation is also planning certain strategies and approaches that will be helpful in the management of customers' demands. The utilization of capacity plans to control actual supply will be helpful for the organisation.

Nature of Customer Demand

Customer demands refer to the desires, wishes, and willingness of the customer regarding the products and services of any organisation. The nature of customer demand is regarding the quality and variety that should be anticipated by the organisation. The management of Marks and Spencer is also formulating certain approaches and strategies that will surely fulfil the needs of customers. The first demand of the customers is regarding the food items, and the nature of this demand is quietly extreme. The quantity or volume of food is considered as the main customer demand. The second major demand of the consumers is regarding variety in food and clothing products. The customers demand for various different and innovative designs for clothing products. The demand of variety is also similar for eating products. The customers have demanded for the something innovative in the menu of food items. Moreover, the customers have also demanded for the food items of different continents. It is the major demand of customers because the addition of innovative dishes will improve the reputation of the organisation. The uncertainty factors of the customers have a great impact over the nature of customer demands. Continuously changing thoughts, views, and needs of the customers are considered as the major cause of uncertainty. The factor of uncertainty is directly associated with the complicated nature of customers' demands (Stefanescu, 2009, pp.nd).

Approaches and Strategies to anticipate Demands

Higher authorities and management of Marks and Spencer are continuously working on the demands of their customers. It is extremely necessary for the organisation to work over each and every demand of their customers. They should design certain strategies that will help them to know and identify the basic demands of the customers. Ignorance to this aspect of marketing will result in the disastrous outcomes for the organisation. An organisation will not achieve their goals and objective, if they do not have enough potential to anticipate the demands of the customers. Management of Marks and Spencer should formulate certain teams or department that should work on the ...
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