Business Ethics

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Personal Experience Business Ethics

Personal Experience Business Ethics


Business ethics are the basic principles, and by following these principles, an organization can work in an ethical manner. Business ethics guides and organization or individual to work in a right way. Business Ethics teach the difference between the right and the wrong. Speaking of Business Ethics can be relatively easy when one imagines an audience, likely to face promoted generosity, and altruism of employers by those are not. This feature disappears and melts into difficulty when business partners are facing and, as such, must strive to keep thriving businesses in today's globalized world (Gioia, 1999).

The main acts which could be considered as unethical by the stakeholders are bribery and child labor usage. Bribery is considered as an unethical act and all the organizations should stay away from this act, this is considered as unethical by the stakeholders. Another act which is considered as unethical by the stake holders is the usage of child labor. According to the law, usage of child labor is not allowed, thus if a company is using child labor then this act would be considered as an unethical act.


I think that it is very common for the person to face the ethical dilemmas in the business settings. Same happens with me and with my friends who encountered the sexual harassment problems, diversity management problems etc. The detail of my personal experience is as follows:

Sexual Harassment

I personally believe that the harassment of a sexual nature includes a series of attacks from nuisance to serious abuse that may come to involve sexual activity. Typically occurs in the scenario of workplace and different other environments where objecting or refusing possibly will have consequences which are negative. In fact, some social workers and psychologists believe that the severe or chronic sexual harassment can have the same kind of psychological effects on victims of the people who suffer from sexual or rape assault. The violent reaction and retaliation for reporting sexual nuisance can further worsen the effects and reduce the employee productivity.

I personally know an individual who faced somewhat same kind of scenario. There was a girl who migrated to United States for supporting her parents who were living in a developing country. When she came in United States, she started to work in a small office located near her house. All things were going smooth but when day she faced a demonic sort of situation when she was forcefully inclined by her boss to do sex with him. He insisted that he will fire him from the job and will call police that she has stolen the inventory of the company. She was shocked, amazed and puzzled. In this condition she instantly called police and the local community members, thus the boss faced huge penalties. This situation distressed me but I was happy to see such a kind of bold step by a woman (Hitt, 1999).

The extent of harassment varies in different sort of ...
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