Business Ethics

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Business Ethics


The opinions and the attitudes that I had for business ethics before starting off with this course were based on two words used which are “business” and “ethics”. Before the start of this course what I had presumed of this course was as it is based on behaving, doing and conducting your business operations in an ethical manner. There are certain ethical issues related to the business world and to survive, live and stay in this business world for a long period of time it is necessary that a business organization follows these certain and specified ethical business issues.

The reason that I had presumed it to be important for before the start of this course was that until and unless all the businesses are conducted and carried out in an ethical manner, there will be many negative issues and work being done in these businesses which neither are acceptable in the society living in this world nor is acceptable in the business world.

Moreover, these negative activities that the businesses indulge in can create the negative image in the minds of the consumers as well as in the minds of the other business organizations as well. Moreover, these can also create enemies in this business world.

These are some of the issues and aspects of that I had presumed in my mind before the starting off with this particular course of business ethics and all these were particularly based on the two words which are “business” and “ethics”.

Ethical theories

There are many ethical theories that can be looked at in this section of the study. Moral theory which represents guiding principle is the great ideological foundation. They tried to consistent, systematic, practical ethics to answer the basic interviews:

Whatever needs tobe done by me?

However it needs to me to live?

From the general ethical principles and moral theory, when a specific action defense is available, ethicists often call upon these rules, not the introductory possibility. Conventional recurs to most former entered story. Sovereign substance of ethical motive, frequently act not let in the literal possibility, just one by one common system, developed in India and China, and in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hindu religion. All these theories come from altruism rather than self-interest, the human attitude. (Robotham, 2005)

The theories that I found to be least convincing are:


Moral theory that we live in the most important aspects of the ethical rules consist of some unbreakable rules. Deontologists view; these rules may not be broken, even if they can break the improved results. In other words, they can do the "right “thing, even if the consequences of this action may not be "good.” famous philosopher Immanuel Kant is often determined by the theory. One of the "unbreakable rule” consists the examples of Ten Commandments. (Ryder & Painism, 2001)


Which is more commonly used functions and theory, utilitarianism, sometimes called the result or purpose of theory, is basically good or valuable for the purpose, rather than using the right means. Adherents of this theory suggest a ...
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