Business Ethics

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Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Concrete Experience

While dealing with customers, one thing should be fairly obvious that every lie told is eventually discovered. That lie discovered damages reputation and respect. It creates ill-will and resentment. Lying to customers (or misleading / deceiving / miscommunication) is a very poor way to conduct business. It does not bring success. If one has to lie to customers to achieve a goal then it becomes apparent that it's a bad goal and shows bad intents of the organization. Through my experience, I learnt that maintaining cordial relations with the customers is the key to achieving success at organizational level not in terms of increased revenues and profits but also in the form of higher degree of customer loyalty and satisfaction. From my previous experience, I learnt that by following and practically applying the seven Cs of communication i.e. completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clarity, courtesy, and correctness, to the customer sales work and interaction, one may get able to achieve unmatched professional heights and boost the level of performance as never done previously.


It is a noteworthy point that each day turns out to be a different experience all-together while dealing with customers or working as a customer sales representative in any organization. There is a whole different pool of customers that a sales representative is meant to deal with each day, belonging to various ethnic, cultural, religious, psychographic, and demographic segments. As a sales representative, one has to be mentally prepared on dealing with notorious, obnoxious, or irritating customers with a definite course of action, keeping in mind that the brand/organization image should not be taken at the stake and whatever the scenario, it should be dealt with equal importance and priority. The customer should be dealt with respect and courtesy irrespective of his/her rude or ...
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