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Business Ethics


In this report, we would conduct a detailed analysis on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in United Kingdom. It is a major Civil Service Organization (CSO) in the United Kingdom and is managed by civilians. In this report, we would highlight the major approaches used in the functioning of the chosen civil service organisation. An analysis would be conducted on how its operations and functioning has evolved over time. The evident changes in the life of CSO would also be analyzed. The major tactics employed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) would be discussed and recommendations would be made for improvements in its operations and overall functioning.

Table of Contents


Civil Service Organisation - Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)3

Business Activities of FCO3


Major Tactics & Approaches employed by the FCO4

Diplomatic Excellence5

Re-energizing/Enhancing Key Relationships5

International Institutions6

Major Activities6

Evolution of Tactics Over Time8

Core Elements of the CSO8

Four policy goals9

Discernible Changes in the SCO's Tactics9

Public Democracy Partners10

Evaluation of the Tactics used by the CSO10

Sharpened Focus10




Business Ethics


Civil Service Organisation - Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office also referred to as FCO is a vital civil service organisation in the United Kingdom. The FCO is run by the civilians in the country. However, it reports to the government of UK (Dur et. al, 2007, pp. 29). The major objective of the organisation is to promote and protect the country's interests across the globe. The organisation deals with a diverse range of issues in the overall functioning of the country and looking after the welfare of its citizens. The department came into existence in 1968. The FCO was created by merging the Commonwealth and Foreign Offices (Breyer, 1982, pp. 2).

Presently, the head of the organisation is the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs also referred to as the "Foreign Secretary". As of 2012, the position is held by William Hague. The position is considered as one of the most prestigious appointments by the Cabinet. The other vital appointments are the Home Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Along with the Prime Minister, the FCO forms the major offices of the state. The organization FCO is administered and managed by civil servants. They perform their duties under the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. The Secretary of the department also serves as the head of the Diplomatic Services. Currently, the position is held by Mr. Simon Fraser.

Business Activities of FCO

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) as a civil service organization; is meant to lead the UK government's efforts for the protection and promotion of the country's interests overseas. The FCO is actively involved in preserving the country's interests in economic, environmental, trans-national and global affairs. The FCO performs its functions by maintaining a decent network of information and exchange with other governments. It builds alliances and makes use of the available information and insight to protect and guarantee the rights of the British taxpayers. The CSO aims to provide high quality services to the country and its residents (Breyer, 1993, ...
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