Business Ethics

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Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Introduction Business ethics in the workplace should focus on moral values for the workplace and ensure that behavior is in line with the same moral values. More times that not, business ethics is seen as a way to resolve conflicts in which one choice appears to be the clear answer (Crane and Matten, 2007). There have been a great deal of studies where an employee is faced with the choices where they will have to choose to either lie or be honest, cheat, be abusive, break terms of a contract or honor it. However, ethical dilemmas that most managers are faced with are more real-to-life and will most often be complex with no clear cut guidelines. People are faced with ethical decisions each and every day. In this paper we analyzed moral and ethical issues faced by the Managers at Baker Hughes.


Managers at Baker Hughes are constantly faced with moral and ethical values daily. One common ethical business issue seen in many companies is harassment. Baker Hughes is committed to maintain a positive work environment free of harassment either sexual or non-sexual. Baker Hughes views harassment as a form of offensive treatment or behavior which to a reasonable person creates a hostile or abusive work environment (Velazquez, 1992).

Manager's Morals and Ethical Values

Manager's morals and ethical values are reflected in Baker Hughes' company policy. According to the Operations Manager Mark Blackwell, his morals and ethical values stem from how he was raised. He states “we are to treat everyone with respect whether at work, or not”. Baker Hughes believes in providing a positive work environment for all employees (Sawyer, 1999). An environment free of discrimination, violence, or any other unlawful act. Harassment has many forms such as threats or insults, offensive jokes, whistling, winks, notes and magazines that are intentionally left for a person to view. Managers and supervisors along with employees are required to take an anti-harassment class with the human resources department (Gesteland, 2003).

Social Issues

Social issues are problems or controversies that may affect many or all members of society. A number of social issues exist such as discrimination, abuse, crime and gay rights. These social issues can exist within society, and in the workplace. Managers are expected to adhere to the harassment policy and should monitor the work environment and be aware of indications of discrimination, harassing conduct, or retaliation (Harris & Moran, 2000).

Gay rights for example, gives lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender individuals equal rights as all other individuals. An example of an ethical dilemma occurred last year at Baker Hughes with a purchasing manager and two dispatchers. The two dispatchers always spoke about a particular television program which happened to be about gay and lesbian relationships. The conversations would always be negative and the dispatchers were not afraid to make it known that they disliked gays and lesbians. The purchasing agent was gay but was not open about it and only a few people knew (Drucker, ...
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