Business Envrionment

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Business Environment: Marks & Spencer

Executive Summary - PART A

This assignment is subject matter for discussing, evaluation, and analyzing structure and functions of the business organization in the United Kingdom. Marks & Spencer has been chosen for the study. PASS CRITERIA ONLY and MERIT CRITERIA ONLY are two sections of this assignment. Each task and learning outcome discusses about the different internal and external aspects of the organization. This part of assignment is in the context of understanding purposes of establishment of different organizations. The disciplines of the business organizations vary from manufacturing, services, civil, marketing, and various others. They are further bifurcated into profitable and non-profit organizations. Growth, expansion, and profitability are three constructive purposes of business organizations.

Business Environment: Marks & Spencer Organizational Purpose


The best-loved and household name of retail brands in the UK only carry forwards with Marks & Spencer (M&S). It is the leading retailer of UK with the early establishment in 1884. This company over the two decades has been recognized under the umbrella of home wares, foods, and clothing. The core element of M&C is the supremacy in the customer service.

The preamble on the discussion over this business organization starts with the inclusion of structure and type of business organization. A public limited company (PLC) which offers shares and rights to the general public (Archie, 2008). This case will be the part of discussion in latter terms. The mechanisms of business shares operate through the Stock Exchange. The maintenance of household name is due to its recognition among big brands of the international market. Michael Marks as sole trader and first owner started M&S. The formation of partnership starts from 1894. Tom Spencer partnered with him who later died (Brown, 2008). Stakeholders

The five core functions of quality, value, trust, innovation, and service will intend to identify external and internal stakeholders of the M&S (Figure I, Value Creation for M&S Stakeholders). The transformation of growth to a multi-channel retailer from a small market stall ensures continuing success with the workforce of 81,000 employees. The stakeholders of the Marks and Spencer include supplier, competitors, senior managers, salesbury employees, and suppliers. The management of M&S designed a matrix for the placement of these stakeholders as individuals and groups. The board members of the M&S are listed below with the mention of the degree of their board and job title:

Executive Board

Non Executive Board

Senior Management

The job tile of these board members varies from Chief Executive Officer to Director of different departments. The Group Secretary and Head of Corporate Governance, Chairman of the Board, Executive Director, and General Merchandise are other heads as internal stakeholders of the company (Spar & La Mure, 2008). Responsibilities and Strategies

Family atmosphere, top-down management approach, and risk aversive formula are three corporate strategies which make them responsible to confront unpleasant tasks. All the internal and external stakeholders are means to an end. Customers are the only element in the foundation of any business organization which is end product (Utting, ...